- Housing Benefits 100 words
- Mr. Lionel Clarke 124 words
- Waltham Forest District Health Authority 52 words
- General Practitioners (Terms of Service) 81 words
- Cervical Screening 80 words
- Glaucoma 66 words
- Voluntary Repatriations 330 words
- Legionnaire's Disease 802 words
- Hospital Beds 3,644 words
- State Earnings-related Pension 167 words
- Irradiated and Novel Foods 53 words
- Parliamentary Questions 53 words
- Pensions 43 words
- Computerised Data Processing 87 words
- Blood Donors 120 words
- Hatacide LP5 136 words
- Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre 56 words
- Supplementary Benefit 387 words
- Correspondence 141 words
- Drug Companies (Compensation Payments) 60 words
- Drug Trials 122 words
- Drugs Testing 125 words
- Infant Mortality 154 words