- Unemployment 390 words
- Stockport 160 words
- Training Opportunities 51 words
- Community Service 50 words
- Sheffield (School leavers) 89 words
- Inner London 64 words
- Cannock Chase 174 words
- Yorkshire and Humberside Region 40 words
- Employment Legislation 41 words
- TUC 86 words
- Picketing and the Closed Shop 89 words
- British Steel Corporation (Make-up Pay) 118 words
- School Leavers 173 words
- Departmental Statistics 520 words
- West Midlands 121 words
- Employment Agencies 336 words
- European Community (Social Fund) 110 words
- South Yorkshire 176 words
- Youth Opportunities Programme 66 words
- Building Industry Apprentices 143 words
- Young Persons 326 words
- Open Technical College 312 words
- Wolverhampton 653 words
- Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences (Form F2508) 67 words