- Parking Offences (Diplomatic Immunity) 2,044 words
- Seals (Slaughter) 120 words
- Local Radio Stations 357 words
- Entry Restrictions (Evasion) 203 words
- Hunting 117 words
- Animals (Experiments) 875 words
- Cruelty to Animals Act 1876 78 words
- Fire Services (Dispute) 86 words
- Zoos and Wildlife Parks (Licensing) 108 words
- Murders 122 words
- London Taxi Cabs (Fares) 180 words
- Prisoners (Petitions) 135 words
- Deaf Persons (Television Licence Concessions) 35 words
- Immigration 65 words
- Animals (Consolidation of Statutes) 86 words
- Departmental Staff 42 words
- Certificates of Disposal 153 words
- Broadcast Frequencies 153 words
- Terrorism 101 words
- Fire Precautions 162 words
- Motor Vehicle (Construction and Use) Regulations 1973 152 words
- Electoral Arrangements 73 words
- Political Refugees 270 words