- National Health Service (Ballochmyle House) 168 words
- Road Accidents 87 words
- Power Stations (Fuel Conversion) 39 words
- Rating and Valuation 43 words
- Fee-paying Schools, Glasgow 61 words
- River Cart, Glasgow (Flood Prevention) 78 words
- Special Development Areas 170 words
- Private Investment Trends 90 words
- Cancer Deaths (Statistics) 100 words
- Primary and Secondary Schools 66 words
- Housing, Ayrshire 58 words
- Hydro-Electric Board (Fishings) 55 words
- Corgarff Castle, Aberdeenshire (Restoration) 40 words
- Scottish Economy (White Paper) 293 words
- Housing Needs 95 words
- House Building Costs 161 words
- Economic Planning Council 39 words
- Peel Hospital (Replacement) 54 words
- Sub-standard Housing 120 words
- Geriatric Patients, Aberdeenshire 78 words
- Trainee Teachers 89 words
- Tower Blocks (Strengthening) 81 words
- Inshore Fishing (Cameron Committee's Report) 56 words
- Electoral Register 205 words
- Orkney Isles (Electricity Supply) 77 words
- North Isles of Shetland (Overland Route) 88 words
- Fishing 99 words
- School Textbooks and Libraries (Expenditure) 62 words
- Police Widows (Pension and Lump Sum) 240 words
- Police Recruits (Earnings) 101 words
- Abortions 92 words
- Rating System 33 words
- Option Mortgage Scheme 48 words
- Passenger Transport Authority, Glasgow 90 words
- Hospital Pharmacists 60 words
- Geriatric Patients, Glasgow 51 words
- Council House Allocation (Points System) 54 words
- Harbour Facilities, Scrabster 90 words
- Tayside Study 21 words
- Industrial Development 61 words
- Slum Clearance, Glasgow 73 words
- Crimes of Violence (Convictions) 98 words
- Voluntary Housing Associations 46 words
- Council House Rents and Subsidies 97 words
- N.H.S. Hospital Beds 71 words
- Harbours (Wheatley Report) 49 words