Sir Robert Horne

1871 - September 3, 1940
Summary information for Sir Robert Horne



MERCHANT SHIPS (WAR LOSSES). Written Answers February 17, 1921

FARROW'S BANK. Written Answers February 18, 1921

EXPORTS AND IMPORTS. Written Answers February 21, 1921

TRUSTS AND COMBINES. Written Answers February 24, 1921

FABRIC GLOVES (IMPORTS). Written Answers February 24, 1921

2 speeches — BANKING. Commons February 28, 1921

GERMAN IMPORTS. Commons February 28, 1921

POTASH INDUSTRY. Commons February 28, 1921

2 speeches — MERCHANDISE MARKS ACT. Commons February 28, 1921

COTTON (EXPORTS FREIGHTS). Commons February 28, 1921

GERMAN PENCILS. Commons February 28, 1921

6 speeches — INDUSTRIES (STATE SUPPORT). Commons February 28, 1921

CEMENT. Commons February 28, 1921

3 speeches — FOREIGN COMPETITION. Commons February 28, 1921

3 speeches — CENTRAL PROFITEERING COMMITTEE. Commons February 28, 1921

4 speeches — TRADE AGREEMENT. Commons February 28, 1921

INCANDESCENT GAS MANTLES (IMPORTS). Written Answers February 28, 1921

BRITISH AUTHOR'S RIGHTS. Commons March 3, 1921

POWER ALCOHOL. Written Answers March 3, 1921

SOUTH ALLOA (DIVERSION OF VESSELS). Written Answers March 3, 1921

13 speeches — SIR R. HORNE'S STATEMENT. Commons April 5, 1921

6 speeches — MOTION FOR ADJOURNMENT. Commons April 7, 1921

3 speeches — TREASURY BILLS (TENDERS). Commons April 11, 1921

Rejection by Miners' Federation. Commons April 12, 1921

2 speeches — ADDITIONAL NUMBER OF LAND FORCES. Commons April 18, 1921

GOVERNMENT OFFER. Commons May 24, 1921


4 speeches — GERMAN REPARATION. Commons May 24, 1921

2 speeches — EX-ENEMY SHIPS (SALE). Commons May 24, 1921

OIL BORING OPERATIONS. Commons May 24, 1921

2 speeches — ENTERTAINMENT DUTY. Commons May 24, 1921

6 speeches — FINANCE BILL Commons May 25, 1921

PUBLIC EXPENDITURE. Written Answers June 8, 1921


CAIRO-CAPETOWN AIR ROUTE. Commons June 9, 1921

2 speeches — INCOME TAX (WIDOWS' PENSIONS). Commons June 9, 1921

3 speeches — BRITISH DYESTUFFS CORPORATION, LIMITED. Commons June 9, 1921



UNIVERSITY COLLEGES (GRANTS). Written Answers June 9, 1921

RETURNS. Written Answers June 9, 1921

MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT (EXPENSES). Written Answers June 9, 1921


BEER AND SPIRITS (DUTIES). Written Answers June 9, 1921

ENTERTAINMENTS DUTY. Written Answers June 9, 1921

15 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Continuation of Customs duties imposed under 5 & 6 Geo. 5, c. 89, 9 & 10 Geo. 5, c. 32.) Commons June 16, 1921

6 speeches — CLAUSE 17.—(Income Tax and Super-tax for 1921–22.) Commons June 16, 1921

8 speeches — CLAUSE 18.—(Declaration as to ss. 43 and 44 of 8 & 9 Geo. 5. c. 40.) Commons June 16, 1921

5 speeches — CLAUSE 19.—(Rule 3 (1) of Miscellaneous Rules applicable to Schedule D not to apply if person charged carries on trade throughout year of assessment.) Commons June 16, 1921

6 speeches — CLAUSE 23.—(Termination of Excess Profits Duty.) Commons June 20, 1921

6 speeches — CLAUSE 25.—(Amendment of s. 40 (3) of 5 & 6 Geo. 5, c. 89.) Commons June 20, 1921

12 speeches — CLAUSE 26.—(Valuation of stock.) Commons June 20, 1921

11 speeches — CLAUSE 40.—(Interest on certain loans not to be treated as profits for purposes of Corporation Profits Tax.) Commons June 20, 1921

6 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Deduction in respect of persons acting as housekeepers for widower or widow, or taking charge of widower's or widow's children.) Commons June 21, 1921

5 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Amendment of 10 and 11 Geo. V., c. 18, s. 23.) Commons June 21, 1921

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Abolition of office of assessor.) Commons June 21, 1921

NEW CLAUSE.—(Exemption from male servant's licence of persons employed by local authorities.) Commons June 21, 1921

NEW CLAUSE.—(Charities, s. 37 (1) (a) of Act of 1918.) Commons June 21, 1921

4 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Alteration of Entertainments Duty.) Commons June 21, 1921

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Exemption of sewers from income tax.) Commons June 21, 1921

NEW CLAUSE.—(Exemption of superannuation fund from Income Tax in certain cases.) Commons June 21, 1921

5 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Reduction of Excise Duty on table waters.) Commons June 21, 1921

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Amendment of S. 39 of Finance Act, 1920.) Commons June 21, 1921

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Excess Profits Duty.) Commons June 21, 1921

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Payment of Super-tax by instalments.) Commons June 21, 1921

NEW CLAUSE.—(Allowance for expenses (clergymen) in certain cases (Schedule E).) Commons June 21, 1921

NEW CLAUSE.—(Provision as to determination of claims for relief in respect of Dominion Income Tax.) Commons June 21, 1921

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Amendment of 10 Edw. VII., c. 8, s. 48.) Commons June 21, 1921

NEW CLAUSE.—(Amendment of Section 16 of the Finance Act, 1919.) Commons June 21, 1921

NEW CLAUSE.—(Compensation under Part II of Agriculture Act, 1910, to be regarded as cost of management.) Commons June 21, 1921

NEW CLAUSE.—(Rate of Stamp Duty under 42 & 43 Vic, c. 6.) Commons June 21, 1921

ANNUAL LEAVE. Commons June 22, 1921

STATE EXPENDITURE. Commons June 22, 1921

2 speeches — NATIONAL EXPENDITURE. Commons June 22, 1921

INCOME TAX. Commons June 22, 1921

2 speeches — BEER, SPIRITS AND WINE (CONSUMPTION). Commons June 22, 1921

RUSSIA (MILITARY EXPENDITURE). Written Answers June 22, 1921

2 speeches — GERMAN REPARATION. Commons June 23, 1921

2 speeches — INCOME TAX. Commons June 23, 1921

4 speeches — SOUDAN LOAN. Commons June 23, 1921

ADMINISTRATION (COSTS). Written Answers June 23, 1921

NATIONAL DEBT (INTEREST). Written Answers June 23, 1921

POOR LAW EXPENDITURE (GRANTS). Written Answers June 23, 1921

2 speeches — LIQUOR LICENCES. Written Answers June 23, 1921

INCOME TAX. Written Answers June 23, 1921

11 speeches — PART IV. Commons June 24, 1921

3 speeches — UNCLASSIFIED SERVICES. Commons June 24, 1921

2 speeches — CIVIL SERVICE (COST). Commons June 30, 1921

2 speeches — REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE. Commons June 30, 1921

4 speeches — EX-LORD CHANCELLORS. Commons June 30, 1921

2 speeches — PORTUGAL (LOAN ADVANCES). Commons June 30, 1921

GERMAN COLOURS AND DYESTUFFS. Written Answers June 30, 1921

CONVERSION LOAN. Written Answers June 30, 1921


2 speeches — NATIONAL FINANCE. Written Answers July 1, 1921

NATIONAL FINANCE. Commons November 9, 1921

2 speeches — REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE. Commons November 9, 1921

3 speeches — GERMAN REPARATION. Commons November 9, 1921

2 speeches — EXCESS PROFITS DUTY. Commons November 9, 1921

7 speeches — EXCHEQUER BONDS AND EXTERNAL DEBT. Commons November 9, 1921

ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY. Written Answers December 16, 1921

EXCESS PROFITS DUTY. Written Answers December 16, 1921

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.