HC Deb 28 May 1936 vol 312 cc2329-70

Further considered in Committee. [Progress, 25th May.]

[Captain BOURNE in the Chair.]

Clauses 7 to 10 ordered to stand part of the Bill.

  1. CLAUSE 11.—(Power of common council to combine with other local authorities.) 308 words
  2. cc2330-60
  3. CLAUSE 12.—(Limitation of liability for certain damage caused by aircraft) 12,236 words, 1 division
  4. cc2360-2
  5. CLAUSE 13—(Provision to be made in respect of aircraft against third-party risks.) 509 words
  6. cc2362-3
  7. CLAUSE 18—(Provision for giving effect to a certain Convention signed in Rome.) 311 words
  8. cc2363-4
  9. CLAUSE 20—(Transfer to Secretary of State of Air Council's functions with respect to civil aviation.) 157 words
  10. cc2364-7
  11. CLAUSE 21.—(Amendment of Section 13 of 7 and 8 Geo 5. c. 51.) 1,105 words
  12. c2367
  13. CLAUSE 22.—(Management and disposal of land vested in Secretary of State for purposes of civil aviation.) 74 words
  14. c2367
  15. CLAUSE 23.—(Provisions as to property and rights of Secretary of State. 134 words
  16. c2368
  17. CLAUSE 26.—(Transitional and incidental provisions as to certain Orders in Council, etc.) 40 words
  18. c2368
  19. CLAUSE 27—(Exercise of powers of Board of Trade.) 162 words
  20. cc2368-9
  21. CLAUSE 28.—(Application to Scotland.) 311 words
  22. cc2369-70
  23. CLAUSE 30.—(Interpretation.) 141 words