Commons Sitting of 9 March 1911 Series 5 Vol. 22

  1. Preamble 16 words
  2. c1369
  3. PRIVATE BUSINESS. 43 words
  4. c1369
  5. PRIVATE BILLS (GROUP B). 35 words
  6. c1369
    1. cc1369-70
    2. Argentine Cattle. 191 words
    3. cc1370-2
    4. Declaration of London. 947 words
    5. cc1372-3
    6. Morocco (Robbery of Courier). 69 words
    7. c1373
    8. Persia (Attacks on British Subjects). 161 words
    9. cc1373-4
    10. Mohammed Farid Bey. 185 words
    11. c1374
    12. Coptic Assembly (Egypt). 109 words
    13. cc1374-5
    14. Glin District Council. 235 words
    15. cc1375-6
    16. Congested Estates (Sligo and Kerry). 392 words
    17. c1376
    18. Evicted Tenant (Caherciveen). 76 words
    19. cc1376-8
    20. National Education (Ireland). 747 words
    21. c1378
    22. McCann Case (Police Investigations). 79 words
    23. cc1378-9
    24. Tobacco Cultivation (Ireland). 55 words
    25. c1379
    26. Recruiting, Ireland (Alleged False Attestation). 187 words
    27. cc1379-80
    28. Evicted Tenants Act (Ireland). 265 words
    29. cc1380-1
    30. Land Purchase (Ireland). 500 words
    31. cc1381-2
    32. Typhoid Epidemic (Athenry, Ireland). 233 words
    33. cc1382-3
    34. Labourers' Cottages (Ireland). 283 words
    35. c1383
    36. Cork City Election (Claims for Injuries). 87 words
    37. cc1383-5
    38. Old Age Pensions. 633 words
    39. c1385
    40. Foul-Brood in Bees (Ireland). 104 words
    41. cc1385-6
    42. Sugar-beet Growing (Ireland). 139 words
    43. c1386
    44. Untenanted Land (County of Meath). 57 words
    45. cc1386-7
    46. Monaghan County Council (University Scholarships). 290 words
    47. cc1387-8
    48. Police Night Searches (County Galway). 397 words
    49. c1388
    50. Royal Irish Constabulary (County Galway). 133 words
    51. cc1388-9
    52. Magistracy (Ireland). 200 words
    53. c1389
    54. Agricultural Credit Societies Bill. 61 words
    55. c1389
    56. Coronation. 110 words
    57. cc1389-90
    58. Ne Temere Decree. 141 words
    59. c1390
    60. Royal Scottish Museum (Directorship). 117 words
    61. cc1390-1
    62. King's Proposed Visit to India. 94 words
    63. c1391
    64. Eleven O'clock Rule. 139 words
    65. cc1391-2
    66. Home Rule. 277 words
    67. cc1392-3
    68. Beri-Beri (Cases at Galway). 272 words
    69. cc1393-4
    70. Evicted Tenants (County Galway). 485 words
    71. cc1394-5
    72. Emigration. 149 words
    73. c1395
    74. Canadian Immigration. 145 words
    75. c1395
    76. Malta (Marriages). 71 words
    77. cc1395-6
    78. Rhodesia (Reprieve of Condemned Native). 63 words
    79. c1396
    80. Manx Constitutional Reform. 118 words
    81. cc1396-7
    82. Hen-Roost Robberies (Metropolitan Police District). 143 words
    83. c1397
    84. Released Convict (David Davies). 302 words
    85. cc1397-8
    86. Pit Ponies (Allegations of Cruelty). 167 words
    87. cc1398-9
    88. Coal Mines (Inspection, etc.). 495 words
    89. cc1399-400
    90. Pretoria Pit Disaster (Distribution of Relief Fund). 320 words
    91. cc1400-2
    92. Whitchurch Provided School (Action of Managers). 526 words
    93. c1402
    94. Secondary Schools (Superannuation Schemes). 188 words
    95. cc1402-3
    96. Bingley Training College. 153 words
    97. c1403
    98. Victoria and Albert Museum. 100 words
    99. c1403
    100. Pensions for School Teachers. 98 words
    101. cc1403-4
    102. Rosyth Dockyard. 276 words
    103. c1404
    104. Congested Districts (Scotland) Board. 88 words
    105. cc1404-5
    106. Small-pox and Vaccination (Scotland). 227 words
    107. cc1405-6
    108. Income Tax. 235 words
    109. c1406
    110. Merchandise Marks Bill. 110 words
    111. cc1406-7
    112. Rembrandt's Picture, "The Mill." 465 words
    113. cc1407-8
    114. Civil Service (Patronage Appointments). 179 words
    115. c1408
    116. Tobacco Licences (United Kingdom). 85 words
    117. c1408
    118. Stephen's Green Park, Dublin. 91 words
    119. cc1408-9
    120. Transfer Stamps. 81 words
    121. c1409
    122. Land Valuation Office (Appointments). 162 words
    123. cc1409-10
    124. Poor Law Statistics. 259 words
    125. c1410
    126. Food Adulteration. 115 words
    127. cc1410-1
    128. Plague among Rats. 125 words
    129. c1411
    130. Cottage Rents, Braintree, Essex. 127 words
    131. c1411
    132. Liverpool Dock Works (Strike Navvies). 162 words
  9. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. 251 words
    1. c1412
    2. MEAT MARKING (IRELAND) BILL. 43 words
  11. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTS. 4,129 words, 1 division
  12. c1422
  13. REVENUE BILL. 11 words
  14. Duties on Land Values.
    1. cc1422-65
    2. CLAUSE 1.—(Avoidance of contracts for payment of Increment Value Duty by transferee or lessee.) 18,797 words, 2 divisions
    3. cc1465-91
    4. CLAUSE 2.—(Explanation and Amendment of Law as to Reversion Duty.) 11,499 words
    5. cc1491-3
    6. CLAUSE 3.—(Right of Commissioners of Inland Revenue to Appeal Against Decision of Referee.) 581 words
    1. cc1493-513
    2. CLAUSE 4.—(Annual Value for the purpose of Excite Licences.) 8,574 words, 1 division
    3. cc1513-7
    4. CLAUSE 5.—(Recovery of Instalments of Unpaid Duty on Licence in Force at Time of Passing of Act.) 1,950 words, 1 division
    5. cc1517-20
    6. CLAUSE 6.—(Sections 4, 25 and 27 of 1 and 2 William IV. c. 32 not to apply to live game birds in certain cases.) 963 words
    1. cc1520-2
    2. CLAUSE 7.—(Assessment and recovery of part of Super-tax from wife in certain cases.) 927 words
    3. cc1522-71
    4. CLAUSE 8.—(Provisions as to payment of Income Tax in any year previously to the passing of the Act imposing the tax for that year.) 21,339 words, 3 divisions
    1. cc1571-621
    2. CLAUSE 9.—(Exemption in certain cases of leases from increased Stamp Duty so far as consideration consists of a capital sum.) 22,623 words, 7 divisions
    3. cc1621-81
    4. CLAUSE 10.—(Repeal of S. 91 of 10 Edw, 7, c. 5.) 27,040 words, 8 divisions
    5. cc1681-708
    6. CLAUSE 11.—(Payment to Local Taxation Account of fixed sum, in respect of the Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Duties.) 11,719 words, 4 divisions