HC Deb 09 March 1911 vol 22 cc1399-400

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he could say what was the total amount that had been subscribed to the Pretoria Pit Disaster Fund; how the committee was appointed for the administration of the fund; whether the Government had any control in the matter; and how much of the fund had already been distributed amongst the sufferers?


The Government has no control over the administration of this fund, but I have made inquiry of the Mayor of Bolton, who has sent me the following information: The total amount of the fund is £134,580, a striking proof of the generosity of the public and of the keen sympathy and interest which these disasters have aroused among all classes. Under the arrangements which have been made for the amalgamation of the separate Bolton, Liverpool, and Manchester funds, a general committee has been appointed, but the work of investigating claims and administering relief will be entrusted to a sub-committee, consisting of the existing Bolton committee and five members appointed by the general committee on the nomination of the Lord Mayors of Liverpool and Manchester. The total amount distributed so far is £5,360.


In view of the fact that a great deal more money has been raised than was originally asked for, will the right hon. Gentleman inquire to what purpose the surplus, if any, will be devoted?


That question has engaged my attention, because there are several funds in existence and a very considerable surplus. It would appear very desirable that some portion of that surplus should be devoted to the care of persons who are injured, not in great explosions where hundreds of men lose their lives, but in the ordinary small accidents which occur from time to time. I, however, have no power in the matter; but I know that it is engaging the attention of those who are responsible for the funds.