§ Mr. DUFFYasked the Chief Secretary how many claims for reinstatement were sent in to the Estates Commissioners by evicted tenants in the parish of Kinvarra, county Galway, since the Act of 1903 came into law; how many claims were satisfied; and can he indicate, to relieve the anxiety of the people, when the Estates Commissioners expect to be able to deal with the cases still outstanding?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe records of the Estates Commissioners are not kept by parishes. Particulars of the applications from evicted tenants in county Galway, and the manner in which they have been dealt with, will be found in Table XXVII. of the Appendix to the Report of the Estates Commissioners for the year ending 31st March, 1910. The cases outstanding will be dealt with as rapidly as practicable, but I am not in a position to say when they will be reached.
§ Mr. DUFFYasked (1) when the applications of Peter Faby and Patrick Quinn, formerly tenants on the Blake-Forster estate, Ballybranagan, Kinvarra, county Galway, were received; is it the intention of the Estates Commissioners to provide for those evicted tenants; and, seeing that their claims and representations are so long ignored, whether he will cause inquiry to be made into the cause of the delay; and (2) whether he is aware that the application of James Moylan, an evicted tenant from the Blake Forster estate, Crushea, Kinvarra, county Galway, is listed before the Estates Commissioners for some years back; and if 1394 he will explain when the Commissioners expect to be able to deal with the application of Moylan?
§ Viscount CASTLEREAGHOn a point of Order. May I ask whether there is any limit to the number of questions that may be put down for one day by a Member?
§ Mr. SPEAKEREight.
§ Viscount HELMSLEYThat being so, the hon. Member who has asked this question has ten on the Paper.
§ Mr. SPEAKERMy attention had not been called to that. I suppose some of them may have been postponed from past days, and, therefore, the matter was overlooked at the Table.
§ Mr. SPEAKERBy the unwritten law. There is no Standing Order on the point. It has been the custom for a good many years, I think, not to accept more than eight questions from one Member for each question day.
§ Mr. BIRRELLI will answer these two questions together. The Estates Commissioners do not appear to have received an application for reinstatement from James Moylan. They have received an application from John Moylan, Patrick Quinn, and Peter Fahy for reinstatement in a holding on the estate of the Scottish National Insurance Company, formerly the estate of Blake-Foster, county Galway. This holding was formerly occupied by them jointly, and is now in the occupation of another tenant. The Commissioners, after inquiry and consideration, decided to take no action in the matter.