HC Deb 30 September 1909 vol 11 cc1401-2

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether his attention had been drawn to the resolution passed by the recent meeting of the Catholic Headmasters' Association asking the Intermediate Board to order an independent re-examination of the papers in Irish in the senior and middle grades; whether his attention had also been called to the statement of the education committee of the Christian Brothers with respect to the awarding of the exhibitions, and the results arising out of the marking of the papers in Irish; and whether, with a view to having the whole question promptly settled, he would recommend to the Intermediate Board that the honours papers in German as well as Irish be re-examined by a competent authority?


My attention has been called to the resolution and statement in question as published in the newspapers. It is not for me to make any recommendation to the Commissioners of Intermediate Education on the subject, but I have referred the hon. Member's suggestion to the Board in order that it may be laid before them at their next meeting.


Is it not a fact that the next meeting of the Intermediate Commissioners will not be held until 25th October, and in view of the very great interest in the subject would it not be possible to have a special meeting to deal with the matter?


As the hon. Member knows, I have no control over the Board of Intermediate Education; but his observations will undoubtedly be reported, and, having regard to the importance of the question, the Board will no doubt do their best to come to a decision at the earliest possible moment.