HC Deb 18 May 1909 vol 5 cc216-7

asked the Postmaster-General what is the annual value of our export trade by parcel post; whether he is aware that the rate from the United Kingdom to Germany for an 11-pound parcel is 2s., whilst from Germany to the United Kingdom it is only 1s. 5d.; whether he is aware that the higher parcel post rate from this country to almost all other countries than from Germany to the same countries is detrimental to British traders and of advantage to German traders; and whether he will take steps to put British traders on an equality with their German competitors in this matter


According to the Board of Trade Returns the exports from this country by the Parcel Post in the year ending 31st December, 1908, were of the value of £4,845,497. The postage from this country to Germany is 1s., 1s. 6d., and 2s. for parcels not exceeding 3lb., 7lb., and respectively; the average being approximately equal to the postage from Germany to the United Kingdom, namely, 1s. 5d. for all parcels not exceeding 11lb., whatever their weight. The postage on parcels is made up of the sums payable to the different postal administrations taking part in the conveyance. Postage upon the heavier parcels from this country for Continental countries is higher than the German rates for the same countries, because conveyance by sea from this country has to be provided for in the case of the British parcels, and in many cases also transit through an intermediate country. High rates have also to be paid to the British railway companies concerned in carrying the parcels. I am considering whether some improvement in the postage rates can be effected; but I fear that, as a sacrifice of revenue would be involved, I cannot hold out much hope of an early reduction.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say how much it would cost to reduce the rate to foreign countries


I have pointed out that if you take the average of the present rate it is really not much higher, but I cannot answer off-hand. If my hon. Friend will put a question on the Paper I will give him an answer.