HC Deb 05 July 1909 vol 7 c813

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention had been called to the resolution unanimously passed at the eighth annual congress of the Irish Technical Instruction Association at Galway on the 30th ultimo, directing attention to the need for suitable buildings for the purposes of technical instruction in Ireland; and whether, in view of the fact that no money was available for building out of the present limited grant of £55,000, and that the system of technical instruction had now passed its experimental stage and had proved successful, he would take steps, by legislation or otherwise, to provide the requisite funds for this necessary purpose?


My attention has been called to the resolution in question. As I have already stated, in reply to a question on the same subject asked by the hon. Member for the St. Patrick's Division on?28th June last, I do not at present see any prospect of providing additional grants for the building of technical schools in Ireland.


Does the right hon. Gentleman see any prospect of allowing the Irish people to devote their own funds to useful purposes?


I trust that will always be the case.


It is not so now.