HC Deb 05 August 1909 vol 8 c1974

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Legislative Council of the island of St. Vincent has offered to contribute annually one per cent. of its revenue towards the Imperial Navy; and whether he can give any further information on the subject?

Colonel SEELY

The Legislative Council of St. Vincent has unanimously passed a resolution introduced by the unofficial members offering to vote annually and pay unconditionally into the Imperial Treasury an amount approximating to 1 per cent. of the revenue of the Colony as a contribution towards, the Navy. After referring to the comparative smallness of the amount the resolution states that the principle involved is the practical acknowledgment of a debt of gratitude for assistance and protection afforded in the past and present and of loyalty to His Majesty the King. The Secretary of State has replied in a telegram expressing His Majesty's Government's high appreciation of the patriotic desire of the Council to assume a share of the Imperial burden, and cordially welcoming the assistance offered, but adding that, in present circumstances, more particularly as the whole question of Imperial Defence is under examination by the Conference now assembled, they would prefer to postpone for the present actual consideration of particular offers, of support such as this which is so generously made by St. Vincent.


Have any of the other Crown Colonies made an offer of a contribution towards the expenses of our Navy?

Colonel SEELY

Not towards the Navy, so far as I am aware, speaking off-hand; but, as my hon. Friend knows, they make substantial contributions towards Imperial purposes in other directions.