- Post Office—Sick Pay of Unestablished Officers. 144 words cc1397-8
- Evicted Tenants—Reinstatement of Mrs. O'Shaughnessy. 170 words cc1398-9
- Reinstatement of Richard Foy. 163 words c1399
- New Wells in the Island of Lewis. 123 words cc1399-400
- Local Education Authorities and the Provision of Meals Act. 299 words c1400
- The Bar Council and the Incorporated Law Society, and the new Law Courts. 77 words cc1400-1
- Licensing Compensation. 291 words cc1401-2
- Rate of Wages at London Small Arms Factory. 143 words c1402
- Titles of Volunteer and Yeomanry Regiments. 98 words cc1402-3
- Territorial Force Regulations. 263 words