HC Deb 27 July 1908 vol 193 c876

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the constitution granted to Natal contains any exceptional reservations or conditions depriving the Government of that Colony of such powers as are possessed by other Colonial Governments; and whether the circumstances of the incorporation of Zululand with Natal so operate as to affect the legal status of the Zulus as subjects of the Government of the Colony.


The supreme chief has of course a special position in Natal as compared with other responsibly governed colonies and special protection as to lands was given to the Zulus on annexation. But these do not amount to depriving the Colonial Government of ordinary legal powers. The constitution of Natal is in the main the same as that of other responsibly governed colonies and the status of Zulus is similar to, although perhaps not identical with, that of other Natal natives.