HC Deb 03 July 1908 vol 191 cc1083-4
MR. STEADMAN (Finsbury, Central)

To ask the Postmaster-General, in view of the fact that a considerable number of linemen hold technical and scientific qualifications, some of whom are teaching the subjects of magnetism and electricity in technical institutions under the Board of Education and who are also performing supervisory duties in the engineering department, will he state why unestablished youths are placed in favoured positions and styled acting inspectors, and are promised promotion over the heads of capable and efficient officers who have served the Department for a number of years.

(Answered by Mr. Sydney Buxton.) I have already assured the linesmen, in

not sufficiently reliable to be used for the purpose of statistics

answer to a memorial from representatives of their body, that not a single place proper to the linesmen class will be lost to that class through the earlier selection of some of the younger men for duties requiring different qualifications. The Question has its origin in a mere misapprehension, which has already been explained.