§ MAJOR ANSTRUTHER-GRAYI beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he can hold out any prospect of a grant towards the upkeep of the observatory on Ben Nevis.
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER (Mr. ASQUITH, Fifeshire, E.)I explained, in answer to a Question by my hon. friend the Member for Inverness, on 1st August last, that the only scheme which has up to the present been placed before me is one under which the whole cost of the re-equipment and maintenance of the observatories would be thrown upon public funds, and to this I should not feel justified in assenting. I am, however, quite prepared to consider the question of renewing the Government grant which was for many years given to these institutions through the Meteorological Council, provided that an adequate contribution towards their re-establishment and maintenance is forthcoming from other sources. So far as I am aware, there has been no change in the position since that date.
§ MAJOR ANSTRUTHER-GRAYWhat does the right hon. Gentleman consider "adequate provision"?
§ MR. ASQUITHI have laid that down quite clearly.
§ MR. PIRIE (Aberdeen, N.)Does the right hon. Gentleman approve the 430 policy of the late Government in discontinuing the grant?
§ MR. ASQUITHI express no opinion on that.