HC Deb 02 May 1907 vol 173 c1045

To ask the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, if he is aware that the; right to sell the Kew Handlist guides, postcards, etc., has been given to a private firm; and, if so, would he state the reason for such transference, and the price paid for the privilege by the said firm.

(Answered by Sir Edward Strachey.) The right to sell guide books, post cards, etc., at Kew has been given to a private firm in order that the staff of the gardens may be relieved of a task which interfered with the performance of their proper duties, and that improved facilities may be given to visitors for the purchase of publications likely to be of interest to them. The firm in question will bear the cost of erecting a suitable store and saleroom, and pay a rent of £5 per annum for the first two years, and £10 per annum for the next three years.