HC Deb 25 June 1907 vol 176 c1124
MR. REES (Montgomery Boroughs)

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that in certain cases in North London individuals have been summoned annually to serve on juries; and whether he can see his way to take any action, by legislation or otherwise, which would lead to the fairer distribution of this duty amongst different classes and localities.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Gladstone.) I have no knowledge of the particular cases to which my hon. friend refers, but, as I informed him on the 6th March last in answer to a Question on the same subject, the large number of jurors who have to be summoned annually in London makes it impossible altogether to prevent the contingency that the same person may be summoned twice within a short period. I do not see my way at present to propose any legislation on the subject.