HC Deb 11 June 1907 vol 175 c1239
MR. SUMMERBELL (Sunderland)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, in view of the fact that an examination for seventy vacancies in the Second Division has been announced by the Civil Service Commissioners for 30th September next, whether he is aware that there are at present in the Department of the Accountant-General of the Navy thirty-one Second Division clerks borne temporarily in excess of the number on the authorised establishment; whether it is anticipated that such clerks will, in the ordinary course, be absorbed into the ranks of the permanent staff before the date of the examination; and, if not, whether he will state what reasons there are for holding the examination whilst there are in existence such temporarily borne Second Division clerks as those referred to.


I am informed that the examination for Second Division clerkships which is announced to take place in September next is not for the purpose of filling existing vacancies, but is for the purpose of providing for the anticipated requirements of the public service for some months after the result of that examination has been ascertained. The circumstance that such an examination has been announced would not hinder the assignment to other Departments of such of the Second Division clerks now serving temporarily in the Department of the Accountant-General of the Navy as the Admiralty may from time to time be able to spare.