§ MR. TOULMIN (Bury, Lancashire)To ask the President of the Local Government Board if his attention has been drawn to the Report for 1905 of the Children's Committee of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, in which regret is expressed at the want of appreciation, by metropolitan boards of guardians, of the homes and schools provided by the Board for certain special classes of children in the guardians' care, viz., those with ophthalmia or ringworm, defective children, or convalescent children needing sea air; and at the failure to secure that every child falling within one or other of the classes in question, shall be promptly removed to the institution suited to its requirements; and whether he will urge on boards of guardians the duty of giving to the children in their care, who need them, the advantages of these special homes.
(Answered by Mr. John Burns.) My attention has been drawn to the passage in the Report referred to in the Question, 411 and I propose to address a circular to the metropolitan boards of guardians on the subject to which it relates.