HC Deb 30 July 1906 vol 162 c410

To ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that persons of defective vision are unable to judge distances accurately; and whether, in view of the public danger in the case of persons driving high speed motors in crowded thoroughfares, such as are common in the Metropolitan Police area, will he take such steps as may be necessary to prevent licenses being granted to persons of defective vision.

(Answered by Mr. John Burns.) So far as licenses under the Motor Car Act to drivers of motor cars are concerned, there is no power to require any test or qualification before they are granted. So far, however, as relates to licences under the Metropolian Public Carriage Act to the drivers of omnibuses and hackney carriages in the Metropolitan Police District, I understand that the police authorities satisfy themselves as to the general soundness of the driver's sight before a license is given. If any defect appears a closer examination is made.