- Expenditure of Irish Department of Agriculture. 383 words cc1295-6
- Conditions of Labour and Payment in Post Office Factory, Mount Pleasant. 257 words cc1296-7
- Death of Assistant Superintendent, Cable Room, Central Telegraph Office. 290 words cc1297-8
- Irregular Withdrawal from Llangranog Post Office Savings Bank. 158 words c1298
- Post Office Telegraphists and Duty on Provincial Newspaper Wires. 158 words cc1298-9
- Chinese Trade Mark Law. 150 words c1299
- The Colonial Conference. 54 words c1299
- Sunday Opening of the National Galleries. 110 words cc1299-300
- Inadequate Accommodation at Antrim Post Office. 103 words c1300
- Relief of the Unemployed. 330 words cc1300-1
- General Lighthouse Fund Accounts. 101 words c1301
- Rebuilding of School-House at Keelnabrack, Glenbeigh. 121 words cc1301-2
- Value of Holdings on Sir A. Coote's Estate, Queen's County. 141 words c1302
- Salary of Teacher of Ballaghameehan National School. 154 words cc1302-3
- Grants of Land to Irish Labourers. 121 words