HC Deb 07 December 1906 vol 166 cc1294-5
MR. BARNARD (Kidderminster)

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury if he will state the net annual expenditure for the last three known financial years of the English and Irish Agricultural Departments respectively.

(Answered by Mr. McKenna.) I subjoin two statements giving the information which my hon. friend requires.

Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, Ireland.
Net Annual Expenditure for the last three financial years.
1903–4. 1904–5. 1905–6. Total.
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
Parliamentary Vote (including Cattle† Pleuro-Pneumonia Account, Sub-head F) 131,425 9 8 137,098 5 11 143,023 5 4 411,547 0 11
General Cattle Diseases Fund, Ireland, 57 & 58 Vic, c. 57, s. 73 (3) 1,782 14 8* 2,354 15 5* 4,137 10 1
Endowment Fund, 62 &63 Vic, c. 50, s. 16 156,192 12 2 249,611 11 6 211,577 8 2 617,381 11 10
289,400 16 6 389,064 12 10 354,600 13 6 1,033,066 2 10
* These sums were required to meet the deficiencies of the amounts of the Grants-in-Aid included in the Estimates, under Sub-head F, of the Parliamentary Vote for Swine Fever, &c, purposes, in accordance with the terms of Section 73 (3) of the Diseases of Animals Act, 1894, 57 and 58 Vic, c. 57.
† The expenditure under Sub-head F, exclusive of the sums provided from the General Cattle Diseases Fund, as stated in the preceding paragraph, were—
£ s. d.
In 1903–4 16,177 13 3
In 1904–5 16,200 0 0
In 1905–6 13,216 6 4
£45,593 19 7