HC Deb 06 December 1906 vol 166 cc1195-6

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieu-tenant of Ireland whether the Estates Commissioners have written, and, if so, how often, to Colonel Lyster Smythe asking him if he would sell to them his estate situate at Notter, county Meath, for the purpose of re-sale to the tenants and reinstatement of an evicted tenant; and what replies they received.


The Estates Commissioners inform me that according to the Return of untenanted land presented to Parliament Colonel Lyster Smythe is not the owner of any untenanted land in county Meath. The Commissioners have, therefore, had no communication with him on the subject, but they will † See (4) Debates, clxiv., 755. now inquire from him whether it is a fact that he owns untenanted land at Notter.