*COLONEL LEGGE St. (George's, Hanover Square)I beg to ask the hon. Member for Chorley, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether, for the better guidance of Members, he will cause a red light to be displayed on the port face of the clock corresponding to the green light now exhibited on the starboard face.
*MR. J. F. HOPEasked whether, instead of adding a red light to the green, the hon. Member would no longer suffer the countenance of the clock to wear the aspect of incipient nausea.
§ *LORD BALCARRESMay I be allowed to give the Answer as drafted by the Department? The First Commissioner regrets that he is unable to adopt the suggestion of my hon. and gallant friend. The green light now exhibited has been installed for the purposes of experiment, it being anticipated that a very large saving of current might be effected by its use; there is no reason to suppose the use of a red light would have any similar advantage.
§ MR. DISRAELI (Cheshire, Altrincham)asked by what authority the First Commissioner of Works touched the clock. The clock tower was the property of the House of Commons.
§ *LORD BALCARRESThere is a small apartment in the clock tower which, I believe, is placed under the control of the Serjeant-at-Arms from time to time. The First Commissioner of Works has complete control over the entire fabric, including the clock.
§ *MR. SPEAKERNotice must be given of that Question.