HC Deb 09 August 1905 vol 151 cc791-2
MR, BRYCE (Aberdeen, S.)

To ask the Lord-Advocate what is the total amount contributed to the Scottish Teachers' Superannuation Fund by men and by women teachers, respectively, since the passing of the Act of 1898; what is the average amount annually paid to annuitants out of this fund; what is the average amount annually paid to the same annuitants out of public moneys voted by Parliament; what is the present number of these annuitants, distinguishing men from women; and whether it is the intention of His Majesty's Government to propose legislation amending the Act of 1898.

(Answered by Mr. Scott Dickson.) During the period from April 1st, 1899 (the date of the commencement of the Elementary School Teachers' Superannuation Act) to March 31st, 1905, there was contributed to the Deferred Annuity Fund (Scotland) the sum of £118,730, the respective contributions of men and women teachers being £61,934 and £56,796. During the same period the Treasury sanctioned payment of—(a) annuities amounting in all to £65 to eighty-one teachers (sixty-three men and eighteen women); (b) superannuation allowances amounting to £3,774 to 118 teachers (ninety-one men and twenty-seven women); and (c) disablement allowances amounting to £3,476 to 129 teachers (fifty-one men and seventy-eight women). At March 31st, 1905, the number of teachers in receipt of annuities and allowances was 204 (ninety-two men and 112 women). Any Question as to legislation should be addressed to the First Lord but I may point out that there will be an actuarial investigation into the fund next year.