§ MR. CLANCY () Dublin County, N.To ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether on the registration of deeds in Ireland there are paid, in addition to office fees, a duty on every affidavit lodged for the purpose of registration and also a duty on every memorial; whether any such duties are levied or leviable in Scotland, or in England outside York, Middlesex, and Kingston-upon-Hull; and whether, if any distinction is made in this matter to the disadvantage of Ireland, he will take steps to end it.
(Answered by Mr. Austen Chamberlain.) The duties levied in Ireland are not peculiar to Ireland, but are prescribed by the Schedule to the Stamp Act, 1891, as chargeable on the instrument in question wherever such instruments are used. It is possible that there may be differences between one part of the United Kingdom and another, as regards the extent to which it is necessary or customary to make use of such instruments. But no difference is created under the Stamp Acts.