HC Deb 24 March 1904 vol 132 c602
MR. WEIR () Ross and Cromarty

To ask the Secretary for Scotland whether he is aware that the special grants to schools in the Highland crofting counties for the year ending 31st December, 1903, amounted to £970, a decrease of £1,280 as compared with the previous year; and can he state what circumstances have brought about this decrease.

(Answered by Mr. A. Graham Murray.) The amount of special grant referred to in the Question is £1,200, and it has all been expended at the close of each financial year, 31st March. The table from which the hon. Member has taken the figures relates only to the calendar year. It may sometimes happen that within that period a smaller amount has been paid, although the total for the financial year did not vary. This did happen in 1903, which has misled the hon. Member.