HC Deb 10 March 1904 vol 131 c758
MR. J. P. FARRELL (Longford, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he will grant a Return, in continuation of the Return moved for by the hon. Member for West Cavan in last session, showing the complete staffing of the Board of Agriculture and Technical Instruction in all its departments up to the 31st of the present month.


The Return in question, which was only circulated last month, is brought down to the 1st May, 1903. There are several objections to the multiplication of Returns of this character at such short intervals, and I am reluctant to impose another on the Department at the present moment unless the hon. Member can satisfy me that he has good reasons for desiring the information. Perhaps he will communicate with me on the subject.


Cannot the right hon. Gentleman give a Supplementary Return. The present one is six months old, it took so long to prepare.


Perhaps the hon. Member will communicate with me.