- Annoyance caused by Heavy Gun Firing off Torbay. 158 words cc777-8
- Delay in Erection of Coastguard Station at Arryheera, County Donegal. 147 words c778
- Promotions of Senior Assistant Clerks. 180 words c778
- Meal Beliefs in Liverpool Post Office 148 words cc778-80
- Appointments for Male Telegraph Learners in Liverpool Post Office. 186 words c780
- Postal Duties for Oxford Telegraph Staff. 197 words c781
- Telephonic Connection with Tipperary, Clonmel, and Cahir. 110 words c781
- Pay and Promotion of London Sorter Tracers. 88 words cc781-2
- Condition of Oak Trees in Richmond Park 120 words c782
- Pupil Teachers 255 words cc782-3
- Leith and Edinburgh Education Area. 125 words c783
- Improved Accommodation and Precautions against Fire for Sick Poor in Workhouses. 147 words cc783-4
- Sale of Estates in County Donegal. 100 words c784
- Standard Numbers for different Grades of Irish Teachers. 157 words cc784-5
- Salaries of Irish National School Teachers. 295 words c785
- Police Methods in Ireland. 145 words cc785-6
- Irish Land Purchase—Reinstatement of Evicted Tenants. 266 words cc786-7
- Nurses for Military Stations. 116 words