HC Deb 06 June 1904 vol 135 c777
SIR JOHN KENNAWAY (Devonshire, Honiton)

To ask the Secretary to the Admiralty if instructions may be given to abate the nuisance caused to the inhabitants of Exmouth, Teignmouth, and other places, by the constant firing of heavy guns off Torbay by His Majesty's cruiser "Undaunted," and that the firing may take place at sea or on some less frequented part of the coast.

(Answered by Mr. Pretyman.) The Admiralty is anxious to minimise the annoyance complained of, so far as maybe compatible with preserving the gunnery efficiency of His Majesty's ships, and have given instructions accordingly, and have also directed inquiry to be made with a view to a change of locality. Owing, however, to the strong tides on that part of the coast within the Devonport command, the large amount of coastal traffic, the number of fishing vessels, and the necessity which exists for mooring the targets in comparatively shallow water, the difficulty of selecting an alternative practice area is considerable.