- Cotton Cloths Factories Acts—Home Office Prosecutions. 176 words cc661-2
- Licences Refused for Reasons other than Misconduct. 151 words c662
- Newton Abbot Post Office—Increased Salary for Staff. 163 words c662
- Telegraphic Addresses of Dublin Bookmakers. 67 words cc662-3
- South Africa—Beer Duty in the Transvaal. 182 words c663
- SouthAfrica—Loss on Sale of Blockhouses. 98 words cc663-4
- Mails to Japan, Australia, etc.—Respective Times taken in Transmission by Alternative Routes. 108 words c664
- House of Commons Ventilation—Recommendations of Select Committee. 155 words cc664-5
- Women Typists in the Civil Service—Alleged Grievances. 110 words c665
- Income Tax—Dates for Payment in England and Scotland. 157 words c665
- Navy—Increased Pensions to Petty Officers. 98 words cc665-6
- Leicestershire County Council's Education Scheme—Board of Educations Objection. 228 words cc666-7
- Ireland—Suggested State Lunatic Asylum for Alcoholic Lunatics. 191 words c667
- Ireland—Fair Rents in the Trim Districts—Case of John Flynn, etc. 181 words