SIR THOMAS DEWAE (Tower Hamlets, St. George's)To ask the Secretary of State for the Homo Department whether he can give the numbers of licences refused for reasons other than misconduct during recent years.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Akers Douglas.) Returns of the renewals of licences refused in recent years have been published for the years 1890, 1891, 1895, and 1000. It appears from these that out of the total of 186 for the year 1890, 43 renewals were refused for the solo reason that they were not required and 37 for that reason combined with others, e.g., misconduct. Of the refusals because not required, five were reversed on appeal. The corresponding figures for 1891 are: total refusals, 339; not required, 103; not required and other reasons, 53; reversals of not 662 required, on appeal, 6. For 1895 the figures are 200, 30, 59, and 4, respectively. For 1900 the figures are 216, 77, 48, and 12.