HC Deb 24 February 1903 vol 118 c665

To ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer why taxpayers in Scotland are still being forced to pay income tax two or three months sooner than England, seeing that in 1901 his Department promised that both countries should be treated alike in future, and no pressure should be used in the one country which was not used in the other; will he arrange that this course shall now be followed; and will he also say the latest day on which income tax may be paid, without costs being incurred, in both countries.

(Answered by Mr. Hayes Fisher.) As the facts referred to are somewhat complicated, I have caused a Memorandum to be prepared, of which I am sending a copy to the hon. Member. He is at liberty to make any use of it which he desires. He will observe that there is now no ground for the impression that Scotland is more strictly treated than England.