HC Deb 27 April 1903 vol 121 c464

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India if he will consent to give the Return on Technical and Industrial Schools in India, mentioned on the Notice Paper this day.

Appended is the Return referred to:—East India (Technical and Industrial Schools)—Address for Return giving the number of Government technical and industrial schools and classes in India; number of private technical schools and classes; the towns or places where they are situated; the number of students attending the same; the amount of expenditure per year on the Government schools; and the proportion which such amount bears to the aggregate educational grant for the year.


The Government of India are now considering the Report of the Committee appointed last year to inquire into Industrial and Technical Education in India, and I expect shortly to receive copies. As the Report will contain the information desired by the hon. Member, it seems hardly necessary to ask the Government of India to prepare separately the statistics referred to in the Address.