HC Deb 01 April 1903 vol 120 cc790-1

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state in how many cases resort has been had to legal process for the recovery by the State of purchase instalments due by tenants under the Land Purchase Acts; and what proportion the cases in which legal process has been so employed represent of the total number of purchase instalments paid.


On the 1st November last the total amount receivable under the Purchase Acts of 1885 and 1888 in respect of half-yearly instalments of annuities then due was £192,088, by 25,270 payers. Of this amount £183,937 had been paid on 30th March, 1903, by 24,279 payers, leaving £8,284 due by 991 payers. Under the Acts of 1891 and 1896 the amount of the instalments receivable on the 1st November last, from 40,160 payers was £237,033. Of this £232,552 had been paid on the 30th ultimo, leaving £5,081 due by 606 payers. The Commissioners are now proceeding, by Civil Bill, for the recovery of instalments so in arrear. As in former years, it may be taken for granted that the arrears will rapidly be recovered. The holdings of fifty-nine purchasers, in default in payment of their instalments were advertised for sale during the last twelve months. In forty-seven of such cases the sales were withdrawn, the arrears due, together with costs, having been paid. In eleven cases the holdings were sold to ordinary purchasers subject to the future payment of the existing annuities, all arrears of instalments due, and costs, having been realised at such sales. In one case there was no bidding at the sale, and the Commissioners have taken possession of the holding pending re-sale. In one other case, the result of previous proceedings, the holding is still in the Commissioners' hands for re-sale.

MR. T. W. RUSSELL (Tyrone, S.)

Two out of 80,000 cases?


Yes, that represents the irrecoverable debt.