HC Deb 03 July 1902 vol 110 cc685-6

To ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies what are the numbers, extent, and objects of the experimental plots of cocoa now being grown with Imperial money on the estates of private owners in the Island of Dominica; and whether he has any official reports showing that there is an area in this product at the Botanical Station of that island suitable for scientific experiment.


To ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will state how much of the £15,000 voted by Parliament for the construction of roads in the Island of Dominica has been expended on what is known as the Imperial Road of that island, and between what centres of population does this Imperial Road open communications; whether this road has been constructed under the advice of the colonial engineer; how many settlers have been induced by the facilities it created to buy land along this road, and what is the extent of the holding of each.

(Answer.) About two-thirds of the Vote has been expended in prosecuting the scheme of a road from the capital, Roseau, into the interior, and from a point in the interior down the Layou Valley to the sea. It would be impossible to fully answer the lion. Member's Question except at great length, and after reference to Dominica; but with reference to this Question, and that as to cocoa cultivation, if he will appoint a time to call at the West Indian Department of the Colonial Office, he will gladly he given such information as there is to hand.—(Colonial Office.)

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