- South African War—Peace Negotiations —The Budget. 105 words cc1130-1
- Spion Kop Despatches. 186 words cc1131-2
- Lichfield Prison—Shot Drill. 180 words c1132
- Army Service in India. 129 words c1132
- H. M. Navy and Wireless Telegraphy. 106 words cc1132-3
- British Merchants and Japanese Taxation. 247 words cc1133-4
- Split Duties in the London Postal Service. 129 words c1134
- London Postal Service—Overseer Class. 178 words cc1134-5
- Irish Valuation Committee. 139 words cc1135-6
- Conolly Estate, Ballyshannon. 366 words cc1136-7
- Irish Land Commission and Fair Rent Applications. 316 words c1137
- Queen Anne's Bounty. 123 words cc1137-8
- The Suspension of Mr. Dillon. 296 words