Written Answers (Commons) of 9 June 2004 Series 6 Vol. 422

    1. c385W
    2. Abortions 104 words
    3. cc385-8W
    4. Cancer 1,773 words
    5. cc388-9W
    6. Children (Common Conditions) 325 words
    7. c389W
    8. Dentists 167 words
    9. cc389-90W
    10. Dermatology 33 words
    11. c390W
    12. Diagnostic and Treatment Centres 79 words
    13. c390W
    14. Food Labelling 75 words
    15. c390W
    16. Food Supplements Directive 150 words
    17. cc390-1W
    18. Free Eye Tests 80 words
    19. cc391-2W
    20. GM Micro-organisms 551 words
    21. c392W
    22. Health Service Premises 85 words
    23. c392W
    24. Health Services 92 words
    25. cc392-3W
    26. Eye Tests 80 words
    27. c393W
    28. Heart Surgery 43 words
    29. c393W
    30. Heart Disease/Cancer Care 56 words
    31. c393W
    32. Hepatitis C 77 words
    33. c393W
    34. Immigrant Medical Inspections 65 words
    35. cc393-4W
    36. Malnutrition 146 words
    37. c394W
    38. Maternity Services 355 words
    39. cc394-5W
    40. ME 43 words
    41. c395W
    42. Mental Health 151 words
    43. c395W
    44. Mersey Regional Ambulance Service 58 words
    45. c395W
    46. Mesothelioma 144 words
    47. cc395-6W
    48. Mortality Ratios 100 words
    49. cc396-7W
    50. NHS Equality Adviser 493 words
    51. c397W
    52. NHS Land (Sale Profits) 521 words
    53. cc397-8W
    54. NHS Staff (Salaries) 186 words
    55. cc398-401W
    56. NHS Waiting Lists 1,009 words
    57. c401W
    58. Obesity Awareness and Solutions Trust 116 words
    59. c401W
    60. Playing Safe 120 words
    61. c401W
    62. Public Meetings 54 words
    63. cc401-2W
    64. School Vending Machines 190 words
    65. cc402-3W
    66. Sexual Health 228 words
    67. cc403-4W
    68. Smoking 416 words
    69. c404W
    70. Social Care 267 words
    71. cc404-5W
    72. Teenage Pregnancy 130 words
    1. c405W
    2. Electoral Registration 219 words
    3. c405W
    4. Honorary QCs 71 words
    5. cc405-6W
    6. Postal Voting 232 words
    7. c406W
    8. Public Defenders 79 words
    1. cc406-7W
    2. Tourism (Bootle) 197 words
    1. c407W
    2. Coalminers' Compensation 71 words
    3. c407W
    4. Commission for Equality and Human Rights 161 words
    5. c407W
    6. Container Terminals (Southampton) 29 words
    7. c407W
    8. Crown Post Offices 65 words
    9. cc407-8W
    10. Economic Regeneration 160 words
    11. c408W
    12. Farm Export Subsidies 52 words
    13. c408W
    14. Farnborough Airshow 74 words
    15. cc408-10W
    16. Ministerial Visits 758 words
    17. c410W
    18. Post Services 98 words
    19. cc410-1W
    20. Regional Development Agencies 236 words
    21. cc411-2W
    22. Renewable Energy 575 words
    23. cc412-3W
    24. Research and Development 526 words
    25. cc413-4W
    26. Small Businesses 301 words
    1. cc414-5W
    2. Absence without Leave 382 words
    3. c415W
    4. Afghanistan 160 words
    5. c415W
    6. Astute Submarine 66 words
    7. c415W
    8. Departmental Administration Budget 101 words
    9. c415W
    10. Diego Garcia 44 words
    11. cc415-6W
    12. Fast Jet Pilots 77 words
    13. c416W
    14. Gender Pay Gap 154 words
    15. c416W
    16. Harriers GR9 147 words
    17. cc416-7W
    18. Human Rights Act 72 words
    19. c417W
    20. International Committee of the Red Cross 74 words
    21. c417W
    22. Iraq 61 words
    23. c417W
    24. Military Personnel (Afghanistan) 136 words
    25. c417W
    26. Osama Bin Laden 66 words
    27. cc417-8W
    28. Recruitment (Army) 178 words
    29. c418W
    30. Road Traffic Accidents (Service Personnel) 102 words
    31. c418W
    32. Royal Fleet Auxiliary 132 words
    33. cc418-9W
    34. Service Personnel (Suicides) 241 words
    35. c419W
    36. Shipbuilding 175 words
    37. cc419-20W
    38. UN Operations 157 words
    1. c420W
    2. All Saints Churchyard, Brightlingsea 100 words
    3. cc420-1W
    4. Asylum and Immigration Applications (Sudan) 377 words
    5. c421W
    6. Asylum Intake Reduction Sub-committee 230 words
    7. cc421-2W
    8. Asylum Seekers 261 words
    9. c422W
    10. Bichard Inquiry 50 words
    11. cc422-3W
    12. Bribery/Corruption 116 words
    13. cc423-4W
    14. Cannabis Seeds 478 words
    15. c424W
    16. Criminal Records Bureau 286 words
    17. cc424-5W
    18. Dangerous Driving 230 words
    19. cc425-6W
    20. Date Rape Drugs 410 words
    21. c426W
    22. Deepcut Barracks 87 words
    23. c426W
    24. Deportee Prisoners 90 words
    25. cc426-7W
    26. Domestic Violence 98 words
    27. c427W
    28. Dr. Harold Shipman 89 words
    29. c427W
    30. Guantanamo Bay 104 words
    31. cc427-8W
    32. Immigration and Nationality Directorate (Staffing) 213 words
    33. c428W
    34. Mayor of London (Meetings) 73 words
    35. c428W
    36. Metropolitan Police 108 words
    37. cc428-9W
    38. Minors (Heathrow Airport) 582 words
    39. cc429-30W
    40. New Hall Prison 240 words
    41. c430W
    42. Parenting Courses 123 words
    43. cc430-1W
    44. Police 139 words
    45. c431W
    46. Prison Governors 108 words
    47. cc431-2W
    48. Prisoners 240 words
    49. cc432-5W
    50. Prisons 1,100 words
    51. c435W
    52. Probation Hostels 114 words
    53. c435W
    54. Racial Harassment (Manchester) 96 words
    55. cc435-6W
    56. Recidivism 122 words
    57. c436W
    58. RESPECT and the National Black Police Association 258 words
    59. c436W
    60. Section 44 Funding 116 words
    61. cc436-7W
    62. Secure Estate (Wales) 61 words
    63. c437W
    64. Surrey Police Service 156 words
    1. c437W
    2. Housing Transfers 98 words
    3. cc437-8W
    4. New Deal for Communities 132 words
    5. c438W
    6. Planning (Crime and Disorder Assessments) 89 words
    7. c438W
    8. Rough Sleepers 246 words
    1. c439W
    2. Aquaculture 47 words
    3. c439W
    4. Bananas 218 words
    5. c439W
    6. Dog Ownership 89 words
    7. cc439-40W
    8. Farm Subsidies 418 words
    9. cc440-1W
    10. Flora and Fauna Extinctions 91 words
    11. c441W
    12. NIREX 93 words
    13. c441W
    14. Pesticides 116 words
    15. c441W
    16. Pigswill 67 words
    17. cc441-2W
    18. Protected Bird Species 249 words
    19. c442W
    20. Waste Disposal 88 words
    21. cc442-3W
    22. Water Voles 139 words
    1. c443W
    2. Afghanistan 318 words
    3. cc443-4W
    4. East Timor 247 words
    5. cc444-5W
    6. Iraq 519 words
    7. cc445-6W
    8. NHS 99 words
    9. c446W
    10. Pakistan 121 words
    11. c446W
    12. Sudan 90 words
    1. cc446-7W
    2. Gunpowder Plot 140 words
    3. c447W
    4. House Staff (Mental Health) 179 words
    1. c447W
    2. British Olympic Hockey Team 57 words
    3. cc447-8W
    4. Iraq 222 words
    5. c448W
    6. Parliamentary Questions 76 words
    7. c448W
    8. Water Action Plan 134 words
    1. cc448-9W
    2. CCTV 267 words
    3. c449W
    4. Electoral Office 181 words
    5. cc449-50W
    6. Fisheries 263 words
    7. c450W
    8. Health Services 94 words
    9. cc450-1W
    10. MOT Appointments 331 words
    11. cc451-3W
    12. Planning Service 733 words
    13. c453W
    14. Playgroups (South Down) 121 words
    15. c453W
    16. Police Reserve 232 words
    17. cc453-4W
    18. Police Trophies 73 words
    19. c454W
    20. Power-Sharing Agreements 112 words
    21. cc454-6W
    22. River Mourne/River Foyle 703 words
    23. c456W
    24. Veterinary Nursing 280 words
    1. c457W
    2. Adult Learning Inspectorate 87 words
    3. c457W
    4. Adult Literacy 247 words
    5. cc457-8W
    6. Apprenticeship Schemes 536 words
    7. cc458-9W
    8. Armed Forces Training Establishments 245 words
    9. cc459-61W
    10. Bullying 798 words
    11. c461W
    12. Bureaucracy 178 words
    13. cc461-2W
    14. Centres of Vocational Excellence 250 words
    15. c462W
    16. Computer File Formats 144 words
    17. c462W
    18. Drug and Alcohol Misuse 40 words
    19. cc462-3W
    20. Education Funding (Brighton and Hove) 226 words
    21. c463W
    22. Language Training 120 words
    23. c463W
    24. Learning and Skills Council 107 words
    25. cc463-4W
    26. Non-vocational Adult Learning Courses (Funding) 336 words
    27. c464W
    28. School Standards 63 words
    29. cc464-5W
    30. Secondary Schools 73 words
    31. c465W
    32. Sector Skills Councils 134 words
    33. c465W
    34. Teachers' TV 105 words
    35. cc465-6W
    36. Truancy (Penalty Notices) 203 words
    37. c466W
    38. Veterinary Nursing Training (Funding) 153 words
    1. c466W
    2. A1 129 words
    3. cc466-7W
    4. A595 205 words
    5. c467W
    6. Bus/Cycle Lanes (Bury, North) 155 words
    7. cc467-8W
    8. Freshford Station 224 words
    9. cc468-9W
    10. Parking 439 words
    11. cc469-70W
    12. Road Safety 434 words
    13. c470W
    14. Traffic Levels 188 words
    15. c470W
    16. Transport (Manchester, Central) 127 words
    17. cc470-1W
    18. Vehicle Emissions 369 words
    1. c471W
    2. Departmental Annual Reports 38 words
    3. cc471-2W
    4. Labour Statistics 430 words
    5. cc472-3W
    6. Tax Returns (Penalty Notices) 51 words
    7. cc473-4W
    8. Unemployment 929 words
    9. c474W
    10. Working Tax Credit 274 words
    1. c475W
    2. National Insurance Numbers 255 words
    3. cc475-6W
    4. Health and Safety Executive 489 words
    5. cc476-7W
    6. Household Incomes 287 words
    7. c477W
    8. Pensioners (Benefits) 121 words
    9. cc477-8W
    10. Pensions 589 words
    11. cc478-9W
    12. Road Accidents 411 words
    13. c479W
    14. Lorry Loader Cranes 158 words
    15. cc479-81W
    16. Work-focused Interviews 245 words
    17. c481W
    18. Ministerial Meetings 77 words
    19. c481W
    20. Public Swimming Pools 112 words
    21. cc481-2W
    22. Stakeholder Pensions 257 words
    23. c482W
    24. Vulnerable Customers (Payments by Cheque) 179 words
  17. WALES
    1. c482W
    2. Dentistry 49 words
    3. c482W
    4. Tax Credits 60 words
    5. cc482-3W
    6. NHS Waiting Times 55 words
    7. c483W
    8. Departmental Secondments 52 words
    9. c483W
    10. Ministerial Visits 162 words
    11. c483W
    12. National Assembly 97 words
    13. cc483-4W
    14. Smoking Ban 61 words
    15. c484W
    16. Welsh Language 66 words
    1. c484W
    2. Directorships (FTSE 100) 209 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 9 June 2004 Series 5 Vol. 662

  1. Right-to-Buy Scheme 158 words
  2. Fire and Rescue Authorities 353 words
  3. Afghanistan 428 words
  4. Eritrea 123 words
  5. Burma 164 words
  6. Indonesia: Reverend Damanik 149 words
  7. Côte d'Ivorie 76 words