Written Answers (Commons) of 16 January 2003 Series 6 Vol. 397

    1. c695W
    2. Departmental Staff 143 words
    1. c695W
    2. Accreditation 133 words
    3. cc695-6W
    4. Central Railway 60 words
    5. c696W
    6. Departmental Staff 78 words
    7. c696W
    8. External Consultants 50 words
    9. c696W
    10. Freight Facilities Grant 115 words
    11. cc696-7W
    12. Job Sharing 181 words
    13. c697W
    14. Network Rail 66 words
    15. cc697-8W
    16. Port Marine Safety Code 188 words
    17. c698W
    18. Portland Search and Rescue Helicopter 100 words
    19. c698W
    20. Rail Freight 65 words
    21. c698W
    22. Statutory Instruments 61 words
    23. c698W
    24. Performance Targets 99 words
    25. cc698-9W
    26. Trains (Cycle Storage) 124 words
    27. c699W
    28. Transport 2010 110 words
    29. c699W
    30. Vehicle Registration 163 words
    1. cc699-700W
    2. Navall Air Defence 228 words
    3. c700W
    4. Defence Contracts 55 words
    5. cc700-1W
    6. Dstl Staff 659 words
    7. cc701-2W
    8. DynCorp 154 words
    9. c702W
    10. Ethical Banking 100 words
    11. cc702-3W
    12. European Rapid Reaction Force 311 words
    13. c703W
    14. Field Hospital Volunteers 61 words
    15. cc703-4W
    16. Iraq 581 words
    17. c704W
    18. Future Joint Combat Aircraft 147 words
    19. cc704-5W
    20. New Barracks 41 words
    21. c705W
    22. RAF Menwith Hill 109 words
    23. cc705-7W
    24. Reservists 890 words
    25. c707W
    26. Statutory Instruments 78 words
    27. c707W
    28. Strategic Sea Lift Capability 191 words
    29. c707W
    30. Type 23 Frigates (Chile) 68 words
    31. cc707-8W
    32. War Pensions 120 words
    33. c708W
    34. Warship Modernisation Project 44 words
  4. WALES
    1. c708W
    2. Capita 40 words
    3. c708W
    4. Correspondence 145 words
    5. cc708-9W
    6. Public Service Agreements 51 words
    7. c709W
    8. Welsh Office Assets 161 words
    9. c709W
    10. Welsh Office Costs 88 words
    1. c709W
    2. Departmental Expenditure (Newsprint) 41 words
    3. cc709-10W
    4. Departmental Staff 82 words
    5. c710W
    6. Ethical Banking 49 words
    7. c710W
    8. External Consultants 47 words
    9. c710W
    10. Job Sharing 82 words
    11. cc710-1W
    12. National Lottery 190 words
    13. c711W
    14. Minimum Wage 117 words
    15. c711W
    16. Public Handling Rights 89 words
    17. c711W
    18. Public Libraries 167 words
    19. cc711-2W
    20. Sickness Absence 200 words
    21. c712W
    22. Sport (Stakeholder Support) 127 words
    1. cc712-3W
    2. A-level Results 268 words
    3. cc713-4W
    4. Centres of Vocational Excellence 256 words
    5. c714W
    6. Child Care 64 words
    7. c714W
    8. Departmental Consultation 51 words
    9. c714W
    10. Departmental Projects 137 words
    11. c714W
    12. Departmental Special Advisers 101 words
    13. cc714-5W
    14. Departmental Underspend 399 words
    15. cc715-6W
    16. Development Teaching 158 words
    17. cc716-7W
    18. Mandarin 450 words
    19. c717W
    20. Modern Apprenticeships 100 words
    21. c717W
    22. New Schools (Private Companies) 148 words
    23. c717W
    24. Performance Targets 90 words
    25. cc717-8W
    26. Plant Hire 257 words
    27. cc718-9W
    28. Ring-fenced Grants 634 words
    29. cc719-20W
    30. School Standards 240 words
    31. cc720-1W
    32. School Funding (Faith Organisations) 254 words
    33. c721W
    34. Logistics (Skills) 168 words
    35. cc721-2W
    36. Selection 429 words
    37. c722W
    38. Teachers' Pay 71 words
    39. c722W
    40. Truancy 132 words
    41. cc722-4W
    42. Union Learning Representatives 518 words
    43. c724W
    44. Vocational Placements 77 words
    1. c724W
    2. Boundary Commission for Scotland 89 words
    3. c724W
    4. Departmental Staff 51 words
    5. c724W
    6. Electoral Registers 68 words
    7. cc724-5W
    8. Friends of Scotland Initiative 56 words
    9. c725W
    10. Public Service Agreements 65 words
    11. c725W
    12. Public Spending 168 words
    1. cc725-6W
    2. Chemicals Policy 228 words
    3. cc726-7W
    4. Agricultural Exports 505 words
    5. c727W
    6. Food from Britain 127 words
    7. cc727-8W
    8. Agricultural Shows 163 words
    9. c728W
    10. Ancient Woodland 257 words
    11. cc728-9W
    12. Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty 633 words
    13. cc729-30W
    14. British Cattle Movement Service 387 words
    15. cc730-1W
    16. Cetacean Bycatch 363 words
    17. c731W
    18. CHP Strategy 88 words
    19. cc731-2W
    20. Christmas Expenses 294 words
    21. c732W
    22. Common Fisheries Policy 132 words
    23. cc732-3W
    24. Community Energy Programme 443 words
    25. c733W
    26. European Landscape Convention 97 words
    27. cc733-4W
    28. Fishing Licences 50 words
    29. cc734-5W
    30. Countryside and Rights of Way Act 437 words
    31. c735W
    32. Flood Defence 465 words
    33. cc735-7W
    34. Flooding 295 words
    35. cc737-8W
    36. Foot and Mouth 509 words
    37. c738W
    38. GM Organisms 147 words
    39. c738W
    40. Industrial Action 155 words
    41. cc738-9W
    42. Liability Legislation 81 words
    43. c739W
    44. Nitrate Vulnerable Zones 51 words
    45. c739W
    46. River Management 124 words
    47. cc739-40W
    48. Slaughter Premiums 169 words
    49. c740W
    50. Statutory Instruments 77 words
    51. c740W
    52. Tallow 161 words
    1. cc740-2W
    2. Stakeholder Pensions 830 words
    3. cc742-3W
    4. Child Poverty 372 words
    5. cc743-4W
    6. Benefits Budget 236 words
    7. c744W
    8. Bereavement Allowance 286 words
    9. cc744-5W
    10. Child Support Agency 54 words
    11. c745W
    12. Final Salary Pension Schemes 56 words
    13. c745W
    14. Pensioners 97 words
    15. c745W
    16. Maxwell Communications Pension Plan 176 words
    17. cc745-6W
    18. State Second Pension 229 words
    1. c746W
    2. Small Suppliers (Video) 146 words
    3. cc746-7W
    4. Cigarettes 275 words
    5. c747W
    6. Devolved Administration Finance 155 words
    7. cc747-8W
    8. Drugs 104 words
    9. c748W
    10. Employment Costs 62 words
    11. c748W
    12. Energy Efficiency 47 words
    13. c748W
    14. Government Contracts 87 words
    15. c748W
    16. Greater London Authority 47 words
    17. cc748-9W
    18. Hypothecation 92 words
    19. c749W
    20. North Sea Oil 869 words
    21. cc749-51W
    22. Office of Government Commerce 419 words
    23. c751W
    24. Rebated Gas Oil 60 words
    25. c751W
    26. Same-sex Couples 97 words
    27. cc751-2W
    28. Sickness Absence 142 words
    29. c752W
    30. Spend to Save Initiative 162 words
    31. cc752-3W
    32. Tax Administration (Internet) 185 words
    33. c753W
    34. Taxation 147 words
    1. cc753-4W
    2. Antisocial Behaviour Orders 279 words
    3. c754W
    4. Asylum Seekers 151 words
    5. c754W
    6. Child Curfew Orders 77 words
    7. c754W
    8. Correspondence 50 words
    9. cc754-5W
    10. Deportation 104 words
    11. c755W
    12. Door Security Personnel 165 words
    13. c755W
    14. Drug Users Treatment 170 words
    15. cc755-6W
    16. Drugs Crime 159 words
    17. c756W
    18. Drugs Education Campaign 110 words
    19. c756W
    20. European Reception Policies 93 words
    21. cc756-7W
    22. Fireworks 116 words
    23. c757W
    24. Gun Crime 100 words
    25. c757W
    26. Illegal Immigration 130 words
    27. c757W
    28. Integrated Casework Directorate 63 words
    29. cc757-8W
    30. Jamaican Visitors 92 words
    31. c758W
    32. Metropolitan Police 151 words
    33. c758W
    34. Ministerial Meetings 235 words
    35. cc758-9W
    36. Notifiable Offences (Bromley) 217 words
    37. c759W
    38. Parole 518 words
    39. cc759-60W
    40. People Smuggling 166 words
    41. cc760-1W
    42. Police Authority Funding 425 words
    43. c761W
    44. Police Communication Systems 259 words
    45. cc761-2W
    46. Police Funding (Dorset) 122 words
    47. c762W
    48. Police Response Times 105 words
    49. cc762-3W
    50. Prisoners (Dependent Children) 1,009 words
    51. cc763-4W
    52. Road Accidents 67 words
    53. cc764-5W
    54. Sangatte 72 words
    55. c765W
    56. Statutory Instruments 172 words
    57. c765W
    58. Theft/Fraud 147 words
    59. cc765-6W
    60. Truancy 191 words
    61. c766W
    62. Visitor Counting 110 words
    1. cc766-7W
    2. Afghanistan (Heroin) 212 words
    3. c767W
    4. BAE Systems 80 words
    5. c767W
    6. Bahrain 117 words
    7. cc767-8W
    8. Beef Ban 186 words
    9. c768W
    10. British Overseas Territories 47 words
    11. c768W
    12. British Trade International 87 words
    13. c768W
    14. Diego Garcia 60 words
    15. c768W
    16. Ethical Banking 103 words
    17. cc768-9W
    18. Global Partners Agreement 309 words
    19. c769W
    20. Iraq 82 words
    21. cc769-70W
    22. North Korea 296 words
    23. cc770-1W
    24. Statutory Instruments 193 words
    1. c771W
    2. Congestion Charge 48 words
    3. cc771-2W
    4. Council Tax 476 words
    5. cc772-5W
    6. Housing (Rural Areas) 2,426 words
    7. c775W
    8. Local Education Authority Finance 78 words
    9. cc775-6W
    10. London Mayor (Budget) 58 words
    11. cc776-7W
    12. Post Office Network 252 words
    13. c777W
    14. Prosecuting Authorities 140 words
    15. c777W
    16. Refuse Collection 161 words
    1. c778W
    2. Arson Attacks 104 words
    3. c778W
    4. Back to School Grants 169 words
    5. cc778-9W
    6. Christmas Expenses 171 words
    7. c779W
    8. Discrimination Cases 101 words
    9. cc779-80W
    10. Domestic Violence 255 words
    11. cc780-1W
    12. Elderly People (Services) 473 words
    13. c781W
    14. External Consultants 47 words
    15. c781W
    16. Fire Authority 208 words
    17. c781W
    18. Former Prisoners (Payments) 59 words
    19. cc781-2W
    20. Former RUC Officers 60 words
    21. c782W
    22. Golden Jubilee Medal 144 words
    23. c782W
    24. Independent International Commission on Decommissioning 120 words
    25. c782W
    26. Memorial Fund 43 words
    27. cc782-3W
    28. NHS University 137 words
    29. c783W
    30. Ambulance Service 94 words
    31. cc783-4W
    32. Police Service 235 words
    33. c784W
    34. Police Widows 314 words
    35. c784W
    36. Policing Board 72 words
    37. cc784-5W
    38. Provisional IRA 111 words
    39. c785W
    40. RUC Officers (Dependants) 114 words
    41. c785W
    42. RUC Officers (Remembrance) 101 words
    43. cc785-6W
    44. Scheduled Offences 156 words
    45. c786W
    46. Secondary Education 120 words
    47. c786W
    48. Security (North Belfast) 152 words
    49. cc786-7W
    50. SPED Applications 160 words
    51. c787W
    52. Voter Identification 288 words
    53. cc787-8W
    54. Weston Park Commitments 361 words
    1. c789W
    2. Women Prisoners 45 words
    3. c789W
    4. Equal Pay 111 words
    1. c789W
    2. Manufacturing Productivity 91 words
    3. cc789-90W
    4. Post Office 169 words
    5. c790W
    6. Energy White Paper 51 words
    7. c790W
    8. Arms Sales 98 words
    9. c790W
    10. Belfast City Airport 109 words
    11. cc790-1W
    12. Child Care Tax Credit 319 words
    13. c791W
    14. Consumer Credit Act 140 words
    15. c791W
    16. ELGAR IT 75 words
    17. cc791-2W
    18. Energy Options 250 words
    19. c792W
    20. Energy Review 81 words
    21. cc792-3W
    22. Engineering Construction Industry 109 words
    23. c793W
    24. Fair Trade 90 words
    25. c793W
    26. Foreign Direct Investment 169 words
    27. cc793-4W
    28. Illegal Working Practices 203 words
    29. c794W
    30. Medical Advisers 53 words
    31. c794W
    32. Miners' Compensation 168 words
    33. cc794-5W
    34. New Export System 376 words
    35. cc795-6W
    36. Nuclear Accident 223 words
    37. c796W
    38. Nuclear Installations (Consequence Management) 83 words
    39. cc796-9W
    40. Oil Reserves 1,150 words
    41. c799W
    42. Nuclear Power 67 words
    43. c799W
    44. REPPIR 182 words
    45. c799W
    46. Waste Recycling 98 words
  17. HEALTH
    1. c800W
    2. Consultants 95 words
    3. c800W
    4. Diabetes 64 words
    5. c800W
    6. Accident and Emergency Departments 175 words
    7. cc800-1W
    8. Drug Addicts 327 words
    9. cc801-2W
    10. Drug Rehabilitation 287 words
    11. c802W
    12. Foundation Trusts 353 words
    13. cc802-3W
    14. Free Health Checks 245 words
    15. c803W
    16. Hospital Performance Ratings 88 words
    17. c803W
    18. Mid-Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 58 words
    19. cc803-4W
    20. NHS Direct 52 words
    21. c804W
    22. NHS Prescriptions 81 words
    23. c804W
    24. Overseas Medical Staff (Recruitment) 130 words
    25. c804W
    26. Public-Private Partnerships 78 words
    27. cc804-5W
    28. Tuberculosis 117 words
    29. cc805-6W
    30. Traumatic Brain Injury 228 words
    1. c806W
    2. Departmental Expenditure (Newsprint) 38 words
    3. c806W
    4. Departmental Staff 90 words
    5. c806W
    6. External Consultants 76 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 16 January 2003 Series 5 Vol. 643

  1. Pedal Cycle Lamps 127 words
  2. Bus Lanes: Camera Enforcement 82 words
  3. Rail Bridges Struck by Vehicles: Train Delays 121 words
  4. Oxfordshire Structure Plan 104 words
  5. Tax Law 85 words
  6. Inland Revenue Holdings 136 words
  7. Cyprus 182 words
  8. Palestinian Reform: London Meeting 415 words
  9. Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council Pinewoods 128 words
  10. Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice: Sunday Times Article 60 words
  11. Northern Ireland Hospice 140 words
  12. House of Lords Refreshment Department: Purchase of Fairtrade Products 89 words
  13. Police Science and Technology Strategy 628 words
  14. Prisoners: DNA Samples 365 words
  15. Olympic Games 2012 188 words
  16. Haemophilia 105 words
  17. Rheumatoid Arthritis 323 words
  18. Fertility Clinics 238 words
  19. Smoking Restrictions: Impact 87 words
  20. Criminal Cases in Consequence of 1994 Bomb Explosions at Embassy of Israel and Balfour House 489 words
  21. HMS "Nottingham": Repair Costs 147 words
  22. Citizens Advice Bureaux: Donations 93 words
  23. Maritime Patrol Aircraft 114 words
  24. Smallpox Vaccine 388 words
  25. Mr Douglas Robertson: War Pension 239 words
  26. Death of Detective Constable Stephen Oake: Inquiry 609 words