Written Answers (Commons) of 8 March 1999 Series 6 Vol. 327

    1. c1W
    2. Economic and Monetary Union 99 words
    3. c1W
    4. Ministerial Visits 185 words
    5. cc1-2W
    6. Ambassadors and High Commissioners 109 words
    7. c2W
    8. Western Sahara 90 words
    9. c2W
    10. Sierra Leone 223 words
    11. cc2-3W
    12. Rambouillet Talks 72 words
    13. cc3-4W
    14. Africa 661 words
    15. c4W
    16. Uganda 97 words
    17. c4W
    18. Nigeria 96 words
    19. cc4-5W
    20. Rotherham Euro Experiment 52 words
    1. c5W
    2. Environment Council 304 words
    3. cc5-6W
    4. Departmental Websites 90 words
    5. c6W
    6. North Circular Road 408 words
    7. cc6-7W
    8. European Commission on the Regions 82 words
    9. c7W
    10. Supermarket Sites 100 words
    11. c7W
    12. Trunk Road Network 69 words
    13. c7W
    14. Rail Links 151 words
    15. cc7-8W
    16. Planning Applications 129 words
    17. c8W
    18. Self-financing Trading Operations 270 words
    19. cc8-9W
    20. Advance Corporation Tax 159 words
    21. c9W
    22. Sorting Office, Feltham 67 words
    23. c9W
    24. Merchant Ships 236 words
    25. cc9-10W
    26. Development Projects 246 words
    27. c10W
    28. Green Ministers 101 words
    29. cc10-1W
    30. Cycle Paths 84 words
    31. c11W
    32. Genetically Modified Crops 98 words
    33. c11W
    34. Business Rates 138 words
    35. cc11-2W
    36. Local Government Reform 136 words
    37. c12W
    38. Local Authority Housing 440 words
    1. cc12-3W
    2. Minister for Science 73 words
    3. c13W
    4. Train Operating Companies 146 words
    5. c13W
    6. Single Currency 133 words
    7. c13W
    8. Euro 63 words
    9. cc13-4W
    10. Racism 146 words
    11. c14W
    12. Newspaper Articles 120 words
    13. cc14-5W
    14. Geneva Trade and Environment Symposium 210 words
    15. c15W
    16. Genetic Modification 97 words
    17. c15W
    18. Biotechnology 51 words
    19. c15W
    20. UNSCOM 85 words
    21. cc15-6W
    22. Lockerbie 81 words
    23. c16W
    24. Lord Chancellor (Garrick Club) 78 words
    1. cc16-7W
    2. Paramilitary Violence 402 words
    3. c17W
    4. Good Friday Agreement 60 words
    5. c17W
    6. Graffiti 52 words
    1. cc17-8W
    2. Pilot Projects 75 words
    3. c18W
    4. Departmental Policies 318 words
    5. cc18-9W
    6. British Airways 154 words
    7. c19W
    8. UK Sports Institute 110 words
    9. c19W
    10. Libraries 254 words
    11. cc19-20W
    12. Sports Cabinet 142 words
    1. c20W
    2. Biological Resources (Poorer Countries) 283 words
    3. cc20-1W
    4. Genetically Modified Organisms 81 words
    5. c21W
    6. Iran (Aid) 81 words
    1. cc21-2W
    2. Civil Aerospace Research 326 words
    3. c22W
    4. Fire-retardant Chemicals 122 words
    5. c22W
    6. Researchers 72 words
    7. c22W
    8. Fireworks 103 words
    9. cc22-3W
    10. Internal Market Council 314 words
    11. c23W
    12. Ente Poste Italiane 72 words
    13. c23W
    14. University Lecturers 45 words
    15. cc23-4W
    16. Teachers 117 words
    17. c24W
    18. Secondhand Goods (Sales) 342 words
    19. cc24-5W
    20. Unsolicited Faxes 48 words
    21. c25W
    22. Plutonium Shipments (Japan) 92 words
    23. c25W
    24. Ethical Trading Initiative 148 words
    25. c25W
    26. Oil Exploration (St. Kilda) 48 words
    27. cc25-6W
    28. Genetic Resources Patenting 131 words
    1. c26W
    2. Zimbabwe 181 words
    3. c26W
    4. Asylum and Immigration White Paper 103 words
    5. cc26-7W
    6. Elections (Sundays) 74 words
    7. c27W
    8. Fire Engines (Accidents) 53 words
    9. cc27-8W
    10. Au Pairs 623 words
    11. cc28-9W
    12. Juvenile Secure Accommodation 839 words
    13. cc29-30W
    14. Life Prisoners 120 words
    15. c30W
    16. HMP Lewes 133 words
    17. cc30-1W
    18. Immigration 496 words
    19. cc31-2W
    20. Asylum Seekers 112 words
    21. c32W
    22. Visas (Supply Teachers) 161 words
    23. c32W
    24. Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report 242 words
    25. cc32-3W
    26. Remand Prisoners 387 words
    27. cc33-4W
    28. European Elections 224 words
    1. c34W
    2. HMS Cromer 267 words
    3. cc34-5W
    4. Aircraft (In-service Dates) 57 words
    5. c35W
    6. Belize (Jungle Training) 122 words
    7. c35W
    8. Exercises (Canada) 135 words
    9. cc35-6W
    10. Infantry Exercise (Botswana) 149 words
    11. c36W
    12. Airborne Exercise (Ukraine) 66 words
    13. c36W
    14. Exercises (USA) 74 words
    15. c36W
    16. Defence Analytical Services Agency 174 words
    17. c36W
    18. Female Pilots 66 words
    19. cc36-7W
    20. Mr. Tony Geraghty 30 words
    21. c37W
    22. Missiles 256 words
    23. c37W
    24. NATO Exercise (South Africa) 58 words
    25. cc37-8W
    26. CR GAS 82 words
    27. c38W
    28. Mark II Vehicles 103 words
    29. c38W
    30. Jungle Training (Singapore) 98 words
    31. cc38-40W
    32. Land Command 544 words
    33. c40W
    34. Submarines(Health) 198 words
    35. cc40-1W
    36. Departmental Land 164 words
    37. c41W
    38. Veterans' Advice Unit 94 words
    39. c41W
    40. Chief of Defence Procurement 106 words
    41. c41W
    42. Unified Defence Logistics Organisation 62 words
    43. cc41-2W
    44. DERA 77 words
    45. c42W
    46. Defence Company Mergers 71 words
    47. cc42-3W
    48. Nuclear Weapons Tests 422 words
    49. c43W
    50. Army Act 1955 189 words
    51. cc43-4W
    52. Territorial Army 349 words
    53. cc44-5W
    54. US Visiting Forces 301 words
    55. c45W
    56. Challenger 2 100 words
    57. c45W
    58. Army Trucks 90 words
    59. c45W
    60. Ministry of Defence Guard Service 20 words
    61. cc45-6W
    62. Military Road Traffic Accidents 157 words
  10. WALES
    1. c46W
    2. Autism 199 words
    3. c46W
    4. Schools (Repair and Maintenance) 148 words
    5. cc46-7W
    6. Social Services 42 words
    7. c47W
    8. Food Strategy for Wales 150 words
    1. c47W
    2. Minimum Pension Guarantee 57 words
    3. cc47-8W
    4. Housing Benefit 388 words
    5. c48W
    6. Widow's Pension 131 words
    7. c48W
    8. Pension Reform 69 words
    9. c48W
    10. Welfare Reform 48 words
    11. cc48-9W
    12. Stakeholder Pensions 78 words
    13. c49W
    14. Pensions Green Paper 60 words
    15. cc49-50W
    16. Pensions 517 words
    17. c50W
    18. Benefit Claimants 99 words
    19. c50W
    20. Social Security Budget 60 words
    21. cc50-1W
    22. Fraud 221 words
    23. c51W
    24. Child Support Agency 210 words
    25. cc51-2W
    26. British Pensioners Overseas 73 words
    27. c52W
    28. Unclaimed Benefits 253 words
    29. cc52-3W
    30. Child Poverty 170 words
    31. c53W
    32. Millennium Compliance 77 words
    33. c53W
    34. Disabled People 271 words
    35. cc53-4W
    36. Second-tier Pensions 68 words
    37. c54W
    38. Single Gateway 37 words
    1. cc54-5W
    2. Departmental Publicity 331 words
    3. cc55-6W
    4. National Assets 380 words
    5. cc56-7W
    6. Departmental Properties 433 words
    7. c57W
    8. Schizophrenia 273 words
    9. cc57-8W
    10. CS Sprays 193 words
    11. c58W
    12. Road Maintenance 102 words
    13. cc58-9W
    14. M74 187 words
    15. cc59-60W
    16. Homelessness 314 words
    17. cc60-1W
    18. Demographic Statistics 756 words
    19. cc61-2W
    20. Criminal Offences (Young People) 481 words
    21. c62W
    22. Criminal Offences 332 words
    23. cc62-3W
    24. NHS Funding 164 words
    25. c63W
    26. Victim Support 135 words
    27. cc63-4W
    28. Local Government Boundary Commission 407 words
    29. cc64-5W
    30. Intensive Care Beds 460 words
    31. c65W
    32. Nurses 593 words
    33. cc65-7W
    34. Capercaillie (Protection) 339 words
    35. cc67-8W
    36. Gaelic-medium Units 433 words
    37. c68W
    38. A985 83 words
    1. cc68-9W
    2. Departmental Expenditure 282 words
    3. cc69-71W
    4. Public Bodies 1,040 words
    5. cc71-2W
    6. Pre-school Learning 123 words
    7. c72W
    8. Education Action Zones 137 words
    9. cc72-3W
    10. Mathematics 226 words
    11. cc73-4W
    12. Education Expenditure 277 words
    13. c74W
    14. National Grid for Learning 125 words
    15. c74W
    16. Student Grants 119 words
    17. cc74-5W
    18. University for Industry 160 words
    19. c75W
    20. A-levels and Vocational Courses 113 words
    21. c75W
    22. GCSE Examinations (Entry Fee) 68 words
    23. c75W
    24. Further Education Lecturers 153 words
    25. cc75-6W
    26. European Funding 76 words
    27. c76W
    28. NVQ Standards 211 words
    29. c76W
    30. All-age Special Schools 85 words
    31. c76W
    32. Teachers (Pension Scheme) 44 words
    33. cc76-7W
    34. Foreign Language Teaching 92 words
    35. c77W
    36. Education Spending (Cumbria) 243 words
    1. cc77-8W
    2. Polling Organisations 87 words
    1. c78W
    2. Mediation 185 words
    3. c78W
    4. Woolf Reforms 105 words
    5. c78W
    6. Civil Procedure Rules 52 words
    7. cc78-9W
    8. Conditional Fee Arrangements: 173 words
    9. cc79-80W
    10. Lord Chancellor 496 words
  16. HEALTH
    1. c80W
    2. Hospitals (Winter Pressures) 60 words
    3. cc80-1W
    4. NHS Staff (Pay) 125 words
    5. c81W
    6. Community Psychiatric Nurses 243 words
    7. cc81-2W
    8. Schizophrenia Patients 190 words
    9. c82W
    10. Diabetes (Prescriptions) 127 words
    11. c82W
    12. Speech Therapists (Cumbria) 104 words
    13. cc82-3W
    14. Health Services Accreditation 73 words
    15. c83W
    16. Dental Services 313 words
    17. cc83-4W
    18. Tavistock Institute Research 93 words
    19. c84W
    20. Fireworks 185 words
    21. cc84-5W
    22. Appointments 613 words
    23. cc85-6W
    24. Human Vaccines (Bovine Material) 219 words
    25. c86W
    26. Children Act 1989 245 words
    27. c86W
    28. Post-care Provision 152 words
    29. cc86-7W
    30. Quality Protects Action Plans 80 words
    31. c87W
    32. Foster Care 155 words
    33. cc87-8W
    34. Medicines (Children) 384 words
    35. c88W
    36. Nurses (Training) 83 words
    37. c88W
    38. Residential and Nursing Care 171 words
    1. c89W
    2. Agenda 2000 170 words
    3. c89W
    4. Arms Exports 177 words
    5. cc89-90W
    6. Minimum Wage 228 words
    1. c90W
    2. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 155 words
    3. cc90-1W
    4. Foie Gras Production 133 words
    5. c91W
    6. Genetically Modified Foods 183 words
    7. c91W
    8. Milk Quotas 63 words
    9. c91W
    10. Lobbyists 62 words
    11. cc91-3W
    12. Decommissioning 580 words
    13. c93W
    14. Local Authority Inspections (Restaurants) 117 words
    15. c93W
    16. Imported Meats (Antibiotics) 142 words
    17. cc93-4W
    18. Live Animal Exports 320 words
    19. cc94-5W
    20. Animals (Religious Slaughter) 600 words
    21. cc95-6W
    22. Genetic Material 64 words
    23. c96W
    24. Japanese Whaling 210 words
    25. c96W
    26. Hops 100 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 8 March 1999 Series 5 Vol. 598

  1. Security Cameras 124 words
  2. Genetically Modified Animals 435 words
  3. Channel Islands and Isle of Man: UK Powers 161 words
  4. Scottish Prisons: Disinfecting Tablets 561 words
  5. Salah Idris 105 words
  6. Prison Inmates: HIV, ADDS and Hepatitis 97 words
  7. Juvenile Secure Accommodation 844 words
  8. Cyprus 117 words
  9. Iraq: Oil for Food Programme 286 words
  10. Abdullah Ocalan 151 words
  11. Chittagong Hill Tracts: Visit of European Heads of Mission 78 words
  12. European Convention on Human Rights: Article 14 119 words
  13. Separatist Conflicts within Sovereign States 58 words
  14. Nuclear Weapons in Russia 300 words
  15. Sudan 462 words
  16. International Development Aid: GNP Targets 170 words
  17. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 151 words
  18. Kosovo: Accommodation Units 72 words
  19. NHS Trusts: Financial Arrangements on Dissolution 120 words
  20. Human Cloning 311 words
  21. Joint Consultative Committee with Liberal Democrat Party 72 words