- Pilkington plc 64 words
- Northern Region 72 words
- Manufacturing Output 177 words
- Japan (Balance of Trade) 45 words
- European Regional Development Fund 314 words
- Power Plant Industry 85 words
- Gin Exports 385 words
- United States (Defence Appropriations Policy) 96 words
- British Leyland Trucks 79 words
- Share Dealings 149 words
- Monopolies and Mergers Commission 274 words
- Competition Policy 67 words
- Manufacturing Trade 131 words
- Guinness plc 55 words
- Multi-fibre Arrangement 125 words
- Import Substitution 187 words
- EC (Eighth Directive) 95 words
- Northumberland 79 words
- British Sugar Corporation 98 words
- Inward Investment 168 words
- Rural Postal Deliveries 76 words
- United States Special Trade Representatives 44 words
- Research and Development (Funding) 153 words
- Austin Rover 84 words
- Extraterritoriality 78 words
- British Steel 45 words
- Imported Goods (Safety) 164 words
- Airbus Programme 199 words
- Japan (Scotch Whisky Exports) 89 words
- Manufacturing Industry 158 words
- United States (Import Taxes) 87 words
- Vehicle Exports 116 words
- English Industrial Estates 114 words
- Hearing Aid Council 60 words
- Textile Imports 302 words
- Merchant Shipping 146 words
- Privatisation 208 words
- Cement Imports 424 words
- Trade Descriptions Act 108 words
- Saudi Arabia (Visit) 418 words
- United States (Balance of Trade) 303 words