HC Deb 28 January 1987 vol 109 cc263-4W
18. Mr. Freud

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what is his estimate of the impact of a 200 per cent. tariff increase on gin exports to the United States of America on the British gin industry.

56. Mr. Sumberg

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what is his estimate of the impact a 200 per cent. tariff increase on gin exports to the United States of America would have on the British gin industry.

Mr. Alan Clark

The Government estimate that a 200 per cent. tariff would have the effect of largely eliminating sales on the United States market of British-bottled gin.

19. Mr. Dubs

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what discussions he has had with United States authorities concerning their proposals to impose a 200 per cent. increase on duty on gin from this country.

Mr. Alan Clark

The Government take every opportunity to tell the United States Administration how seriously we are seeking a negotiated solution and how important we believe it to be to avoid counter-productive and mutually damaging conflict affecting trade in gin and other goods.

53. Mr. Andrew MacKay

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what representations he has made to the United States Government concerning their proposed 200 per cent. tariff increase on gin imports.

Mr. Alan Clark

The Government have taken and will continue to take every opportunity to tell the United States Administration how seriously we are seeking a negotiated solution and how important we believe it to be to avoid counter-productive and mutually damaging conflict affecting trade in gin and other goods.

Mrs. McCurley

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will raise the United States Government's announcement of a 200 per cent. tariff increase on British gin exports under the terms of the general agreement on tariffs and trade.

Mr. Alan Clark

The Community is negotiating with the United States under the terms of GATT about appropriate compensation for the trade consequences of accession of Spain and Portugal. The proposal by the United States Administration to impose prohibitive duties which would affect $400 million worth of Community exports including British gin is excessive and would oblige the Community to take counter-measures against certain United States exports. We fully support the Council's determination to secure a negotiated settlement to this dispute.