- Further and Higher Education 166 words
- Health Education 164 words
- Local Authority Expenditure 217 words
- Schools (HMI Report) 535 words
- Teaching Materials 87 words
- Polytechnics 384 words
- School Syllabuses 126 words
- School Libraries 139 words
- Graduates (Industrial Employers) 66 words
- Huddersfield Polytechnic 29 words
- School Attendances 150 words
- Schools (Finance) 53 words
- Sex Education 56 words
- Birkbeck College 82 words
- Russian Language 110 words
- School Reorganisation Plans 107 words
- Scottish Universities (Grants) 79 words
- General Certificate of Secondary Education 458 words
- Design Courses 77 words
- Teachers (Dispute) 88 words
- Technological Skills 412 words
- Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities 39 words
- Higher Education 79 words
- Open University 747 words
- Universities (Funds) 795 words
- Education (School Premises) Regulations 1981 42 words
- Science and Mathematics Teachers 53 words
- Pupil-Teacher Ratio 116 words
- Deaf-Blind Children 79 words
- Teacher Shortages 138 words
- Expenditure 210 words
- Single Sex Education 158 words
- Education (Grants and Awards) Act 185 words
- National Advisory Body (Planning Exercise) 37 words
- School Leavers (Higher Education) 81 words
- Crime Prevention 294 words
- School Buildings 63 words
- School Leavers (Examinations) 79 words
- Student Grants 43 words
- Low Attainers 104 words
- Research 55 words
- National Staff College (Teachers) 76 words
- Royal Greenwich Observatory 74 words
- Medical Faculties (Funding) 170 words
- Secondary Schools 72 words
- Teachers (Duties) 71 words
- Grammar Schools 129 words
- University Students 169 words
- School Curriculum 157 words
- Teachers (In-service Training) 89 words
- Assemblies and Collective Acts of Worship 120 words
- Conductive Education 276 words
- Four-term School Year 63 words
- Clinical Academic Posts 317 words
- Students (Benefits) 64 words
- Student Grant 40 words
- Pre-Vocational Courses 298 words
- Pre-school Places 1,228 words
- Teacher-Pupil Ratio 718 words