- Ultra-heat Treated Milk 37 words
- Police (Rules) 54 words
- Fishing Industry 161 words
- Hospital Consultants 64 words
- Security 84 words
- Prisoners (Alcoholism) 29 words
- Maze Prison 44 words
- Integration 74 words
- Terrorists (Death Penalty) 48 words
- Container Lorries (Searches) 97 words
- Labour Statistics 83 words
- Director of Public Prosecutions 57 words
- Assembly 48 words
- Bangor Hospital 93 words
- Industrial Development Board (Advertising and Public Relations) 158 words
- Gaelic Athletic Association 73 words
- Prisoners (Compassionate Parole) 109 words
- Cot Deaths 158 words
- Kidney Patients 129 words
- International Rugby Matches 43 words
- Hospitals 136 words
- Plastic Bullets 285 words