- Newborn Babies (Life Expectancy) 157 words
- National Health Service (Drugs) 70 words
- Food Premises (Registration) 67 words
- Construction Industry 133 words
- Infant Mortality (Dundee) 36 words
- "Education for the Industrial Society" 59 words
- School Meals Service 80 words
- Hospital Expenditure 123 words
- Further Education 82 words
- School Leavers (Qualifications) 190 words
- Unemployment 156 words
- Mullwharchar inquiry 109 words
- Education Statistics (Dundee) 90 words
- Consultative Committee on the Curriculum 61 words
- Council House Sales (Advertising Costs) 86 words
- Loft Insulation 56 words
- South of Scotland Electricity Board 45 words
- Electricity Boards (Research and Development) 51 words
- Teacher Supply 73 words
- Legal Services (Royal Commission) 177 words
- Factory Closures (Ayrshire) 87 words
- Roads (Aberdeenshire) 195 words
- Stonefield Vehicles, Cumnock 202 words
- Unemployment (Girvan, Ayr and Cumnock) 211 words
- Colleges of Education 1,288 words
- Beef 192 words
- Redundancies (Ayrshire) 164 words
- Murder 175 words