Mr Frank Judd

March 28, 1935 -
Summary information for Mr Frank Judd



Fishing: EUC Report Lords February 5, 2001

Global Poverty Lords February 7, 2001

Prison Conditions Lords February 14, 2001

Asylum Seekers Lords February 14, 2001

Mr Panicos Tsiakourmas Written Answers February 14, 2001

NATS: Oceanic Sector Services Written Answers February 15, 2001

US Missile Defence Plans: Reaction Lords February 19, 2001

Iraq Lords February 19, 2001

Prison Service Lords February 20, 2001

Life-saving Drugs for Developing Countries: WTO Guidelines Written Answers February 26, 2001

New Medicines and Developing Countries Written Answers February 26, 2001

2 speeches — Depleted Uranium Written Answers February 27, 2001

EU Sixth Environment Action Programme Written Answers February 27, 2001

National Missile Defence System Written Answers February 27, 2001

Depleted Uranium: Records of Use Written Answers March 5, 2001

Employee Information and Consultation: Proposed Directive Written Answers March 5, 2001

Medicine Prices in Developing Countries Written Answers March 6, 2001

Depleted Uranium Written Answers March 8, 2001

2 speeches — Workforce Skills Written Answers March 12, 2001

Chemicals Policy: EU White Paper Written Answers March 13, 2001

2 speeches — Post Office: Public Service Role Lords March 14, 2001

Imports from Developing Countries Lords March 19, 2001

NATO Security Threat Review: US Participation Written Answers March 19, 2001

NATO Analysis of Missile Proliferation Written Answers March 19, 2001

Arms Control: Discussions with US Written Answers March 19, 2001

European Development Fund: Disbursement Rate Written Answers March 20, 2001

Global Sustainable Development Written Answers March 21, 2001

Sustainable Development Written Answers March 22, 2001

Hunting Bill Lords March 26, 2001

Government Policies and Sustainability Written Answers March 26, 2001

Climate Change Convention, Kyoto Protocol: Ratification Written Answers March 26, 2001

"El Nino" Forecast Written Answers March 28, 2001

Agriculture: Terrorist Threat Written Answers April 4, 2001

2 speeches — Kosovo: Cluster Bombs Written Answers April 9, 2001

Cluster Bombs Written Answers April 10, 2001

World Trade Organisation: Sustainability Policy Written Answers April 10, 2001

Missile Defence Written Answers April 23, 2001

Cluster Munitions Written Answers April 26, 2001

Rural Consultations: TGWU Participation Written Answers May 3, 2001

RAF Fylingdales and Menwith Hill: Missile Defence Role Written Answers May 4, 2001

Forced and Bonded Labour Written Answers May 8, 2001

World Trade Organisation: New Round Written Answers May 8, 2001

Public Service Quality Written Answers May 8, 2001

Gulf Stream Effects Written Answers May 8, 2001

US Missile Defence Proposals Written Answers May 9, 2001

Forced and Bonded Labour Written Answers May 9, 2001

International Development Bill [H.L.] Lords July 2, 2001

Prisoners: Prevention of Self-harm Written Answers July 2, 2001

Rail Systems: International Comparisons Written Answers July 4, 2001

ECHR: Resources Written Answers July 5, 2001

2 speeches — Missile Defence Systems Lords July 9, 2001

2 speeches — Council of Europe Written Answers July 9, 2001

UNHCR: UK Funding Written Answers July 9, 2001

Asylum Seekers: Voucher Scheme Review Lords July 16, 2001

16 speeches — International Development Bill [H.L.] Lords July 16, 2001

Rail Services: International Comparisons Written Answers July 16, 2001

Prison Estate: Women and Immigration Detainees Written Answers July 17, 2001

University Admissions Lords July 19, 2001

Asylum and Race Relations: Policy Co-ordination Written Answers July 19, 2001

Asylum Seekers: Voucher System Written Answers July 19, 2001

Immigration Policy: EUC Report Lords July 23, 2001

Minimum Standards in Asylum Procedures: EUC Report Lords July 23, 2001

2 speeches — Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Protocol Written Answers July 23, 2001

Biological Weapons: Risk of Proliferation Written Answers July 23, 2001

Democratic Republic of Congo: National Reconciliation Lords July 24, 2001

Genetically Modified Food: Discussions Written Answers July 24, 2001

International Terrorism Lords October 4, 2001

Immigration Policy: Roma Written Answers October 4, 2001

International Terrorism Lords October 8, 2001

2 speeches — Feltham B Prison for Young Adults Lords October 15, 2001

Anti-terrorism Measures Lords October 15, 2001

Asylum Seekers Voucher Scheme Written Answers October 15, 2001

Electricity from Renewables Written Answers October 15, 2001

Combined Heat and Power Written Answers October 15, 2001

Countryside and Tourism Lords October 17, 2001

Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Written Answers October 17, 2001

Rural Payments Agency Written Answers October 17, 2001

12 speeches — International Development Bill [H.L.] Lords October 18, 2001

2 speeches — International Terrorism Lords October 18, 2001

Nuclear Processing Written Answers October 18, 2001

Humanitarian Situation in Afghanistan Lords October 24, 2001

Public Service Lords October 24, 2001

International Development Bill [H.L.] Lords October 25, 2001

2 speeches — Ballistic Missiles Lords October 30, 2001

Afghanistan Lords November 5, 2001

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Written Answers November 8, 2001

National Trust Lords November 12, 2001

Afghanistan Lords November 14, 2001

2 speeches — Biological Weapons: Global Security Lords November 15, 2001

Afghanistan: Humanitarian Aid Lords November 15, 2001

Mauritania: EU Fishing Agreement Written Answers November 20, 2001

Afghanistan: Cluster Bombs Written Answers November 21, 2001

Oil Prices and Security Arrangements Written Answers November 22, 2001

Great Lakes Region Written Answers November 26, 2001

Mox Development: Consideration of Security Implications Written Answers November 27, 2001

Universal Primary Education Written Answers November 29, 2001

Afghanistan Lords December 17, 2001

Kabul: International Security Assistance Force Lords December 19, 2001

2 speeches — Overseas Development: UN Target Lords December 20, 2001

Biological and Toxin Weapons Written Answers December 20, 2001

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.