HC Deb 07 February 2002 vol 379 cc1009-26

The Secretary of State was asked—

  1. Young People (Consultation) 1,078 words
  2. cc1011-3
  3. Private Finance Initiative 791 words
  4. cc1013-4
  5. School/Further Education Links 649 words
  6. cc1014-7
  7. Individual Learning Accounts 1,223 words
  8. cc1017-9
  9. GCSEs 945 words
  10. cc1019-20
  11. School Autonomy 617 words
  12. cc1020-1
  13. Professional Qualifications (Access) 475 words
  14. cc1021-2
  15. Overseas Students 292 words
  16. c1022
  17. Higher Education (Wales) 292 words
  18. cc1022-3
  19. Performance and Innovation Unit 301 words
  20. c1023
  22. cc1023-4
  23. Crown Prosecutions (North Yorkshire) 559 words
  24. cc1024-5
  25. Manslaughter 388 words
  26. cc1025-6
  27. Civil Service Pension Scheme 574 words