HC Deb 06 November 1995 vol 265 cc609-10


(1) with effect from Wednesday 15th November 1995, any Member proposing to enter into an agreement which involves the provision of services in his capacity as a Member of Parliament shall conclude such an agreement only if it conforms to the Resolution of the House of 6th November 1995 relating to Conduct of Members; and that a copy of any such agreement, excluding the amount of any fee or benefit payable, shall be deposited with the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards at the same time as it is registered in the Register of Members' Interests;

(2) any Member who has an existing agreement involving the provision of services in his capacity as a Member of Parliament which conforms to the Resolution of the House of 6th November 1995 relating to Conduct of Members, but which is not in written form, shall take steps to put the agreement into written form; and that no later than 31st March 1996 a copy of any such agreement, excluding the amount of any fee or benefit payable, shall be deposited with the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards and registered in the Register of Members' Interests; and

(3) any Member who has an existing agreement which does not conform to the Resolution of the House on 6th November 1995 relating to Conduct of Members shall, by 31st March 1996, either redraw the agreement so that it conforms to the said Resolution or withdraw from the agreement; and that a copy of any such redrawn agreement, excluding the amount of any fee or benefit payable, shall be deposited with the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards and registered in the Register of Members' Interests by that date.

And the following amendments thereto: (b), in line 6, leave out from `a' to `shall' in line 7 and insert `full copy of any such agreement including the fees or benefits payable in bands of: up to £1,000, £1,000–£5,000, £5,000–£10,000, and thereafter in bands of £5,000'. (c), in line 7, leave out `excluding the amount of any fee or benefit payable'. (d), in line 7, leave out 'excluding' and insert 'including'.

(e), in line 8, after `Standards', insert `and made available to the public'. (f), in line 9, at end insert `and made available for inspection by the public'. (g), in line 14, leave out from `a' to `shall' in line 16 and insert `full copy of any such agreement including the fees for or benefits payable in bands of: up to £1,000, £1,000–5,000, £5,000–£10,000, and thereafter in bands of £5,000.'. (h), in line 15, leave out 'excluding the amount of any fee or benefit payable'. (i), in line 17, after Interests', insert 'and made available for inspection by the public'. (k), in line 22, leave out from `a' to `shall' in line 23 and insert 'full copy of any such agreement including the fees or benefits payable in bands of: up to £1,000, £1,000–£5,000, £5,000–£10,000, and thereafter in bands of £5,000.'. (l), in line 22, leave out excluding the amount of any fee or benefit payable'. (m), in line 24, at end add and made available for inspection by the public'. (j), in line 17, after 'and', insert `provided that from the start of the next Parliament the amount of any such fee or benefit payable shall be disclosed to the Commissioner and made available to the public; and'. (o), in line 24, at end add `provided that from the start of the next Parliament the amount of any such fee or benefit payable shall be disclosed to the Commissioner and made available to the public'. (n), in line 24, at end add `(4) any Member who enters into employment agreements of whatever kind, whether relating to the provision of services in his capacity as a Member of Parliament or otherwise, shall be required to disclose in the Register of Members' Interests— 1. The total fees or benefits from such agreements in bands of up to £1,000, £1,000–£5,000, £5,000–£10,000 and thereafter in bands of £5,000. 2. The total amount of time, in days or parts thereof, devoted to the fulfilment of such agreements.'. (p), in line 24, at end add `(4) notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1–3 of this Resolution with effect from Wednesday 15th November 1995, no Member shall enter into an agreement for the provision of services in his/her capacity as a Member of Parliament with any individual or organisation engaged in lobbying or public relations on behalf of more than one client.'.